Coronavirus symptoms: Experiencing this repeated sensation with chills is a new sign

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has expanded its list of possible symptoms of coronavirus, a step which signifies how the deadly virus has such a broad variation and unpredictability in the way it can affect individual patients. The health agency changed details on its website to cite a new symptom. If you experience the following repeated sensation along with chills it could signal a possible COVID-19 infection.
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Muscle pain and new loss of taste or smell are among the six new COVID-19 symptoms which the CDC have added to its official list.
On Sunday, four other symptoms were added to the list which include repeated shaking with chills, headaches and sore throat.
The symptoms are known to appear two to fourteen days afters exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus which is responsible for COVID-19, the agency stated.
The official list of symptoms by CDC is not all-inclusive, said the health protection agency of the US, adding that people should consult their medical provider for any other symptoms which are severe or concerning to them.
The feeling of being cold, though not necessarily in a cold environment which is often accompanies by shivering or shaking is a new COVID-19 symptom which has now been added to the official list of symptoms.
The term “chills” refers to a feeling of being cold without an apparent cause. A person can get this feeling when their muscles repeatedly expand and contract and the vessels in the skin constrict. Chills can occur with a fever and cause shivering and shaking.
These chills can be constant with each episode lasting for as long as an hour. The chills could also occur periodically and last for several minutes.
Why the body experiences repeated chills if infected with COVID-19
A person can get chills when the muscles in the body squeeze and relax to try to make heat.
This sometimes happens because one is cold, but it can also be an attempt by the immune system – the body’s defence against germs – to fight off an infection or illness.
Just like with the flu virus, the body can turn on the chills in response to other infections. This many help the immune system kick in faster and work better.
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Some chills occur after exposure to a cold environment.
They can also occur as a response to a bacterial or viral infection which causes a fever.
It’s important to note that experiencing repeated chills could be for other reasons and not necessarily signal a COVID-19 infection.
Other causes for your chills could include having a flu, meningitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, strep throat, malaria or a urinary tract infection.
In a study, based on 55,924 cases in China from the date the virus was first spotted to February 22, 11.4 percent of coronavirus sufferers reported feeling chills.
Some 14.8 percent of study subjects experienced muscle and joint pain, while 13.6 percent said they had a persistent headache.
Smaller numbers showed that 5 percent of people had nausea or vomiting, 3.7 percent said they experienced diarrhoea and 4.8 percent said they had a congested or blocked nose.
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