Withholding Intubation Benefits Comatose Poisoning Patients


In comatose patients with a suspicion of acute poisoning, opting for a conservative approach by refraining from intubation has a significant clinical advantage concerning the combined outcomes of in-hospital mortality, duration of intensive care unit (ICU) stay, and length of hospital stay.


  • This multicenter randomized trial conducted in 20 emergency departments (EDs) and 1 ICU in France included comatose patients with suspected acute poisoning.

  • 225 patients were randomly assigned to either a conservative strategy of withholding intubation or a routine practice where the decision for intubation is at the physician’s discretion.

  • Each patient comparison resulted in a hierarchical definition of win, loss, or tie based on their respective outcomes.

  • The primary outcome was a hierarchical composite end point of in-hospital death, duration of ICU stay, and length of hospital stay.