Five-minute blast from a LASER boosts women's libido

Five-minute blast from a LASER boosts women’s libido and improves their orgasms, scientists find

  • The study found that the fractional CO2 laser boosted a woman’s sexual function
  • Device makes microscopic wounds in the vaginal tissue which boosts collagen 
  • This year survey found more than third of women in UK not interested in sex

A pain-free laser used for just five minutes could boost a woman’s libido, scientists have discovered.

In a study, reported in the Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, scientists examined the effect of the fractional CO2 laser on a woman’s sex drive.

Researchers found that the device, which creates small wounds inside the vagina, not only helped improved sexual function in menopausal women but also helped increase the number of orgasms they experienced.

A study, reported in the Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, found a laser could he;p boost a woman’s sex drive. (Stock image) 

The results of the study come just months after scientists found more than a third of women in the UK were not interested in having sex.

During the new study, scientists compared the effect of the machine to regular hormonal creams in 50 women who were going through the menopause 

Scientists found the fractional CO2 laser boosted collagen production and increased blood flow by making microscopic wounds in the vaginal tissue.

They also found that when the laser was used libido rose by 45 per cent and arousal by 56 per cent while vaginal creams were only able to raise libido by 30 per cent.   

London GP Dr Suren Naidoo, told The Sun: ‘Menopausal women troubled by dry- ness are not always willing to take HRT. Finally we have a real solution.’

The laser machine helped improved sexual function in menopausal women by making microscopic wounds in the vaginal tissue

In January, researchers from the University of Glasgow conducted a survey of 12,132 women in Britain, asking them about their libido and attitudes towards sex.

Some 34 per cent of women admitted to not wanting sex, while the same was true for just 15 per cent of men.

Women also revealed they struggled to get aroused, had trouble having orgasms and found it difficult to enjoy sex.

During the study, participants were asked about their experience of STIs, unwanted pregnancy, being coerced into sex, their physical enjoyment of sex and their attitudes towards it.

Overall, 47.5 per cent of women were deemed to have ‘poor sexual health’, which included emotional experiences as well as physical problems or illness 

In comparison, the rate was just 17 per cent among men. The research was published in the medical journal BMC Public Health. 


A low sex drive is known as a loss of libido.

Past research has suggested it affects nearly half of all women at some point in their lives, and it affects many men, too.

It is often linked to relationship issues, stress or tiredness, but could also indicate an underlying health problem.

Sex drives vary from person-to-person with no libido being ‘normal’. However, if it is affecting your relationship, it may be worth seeking help from a GP or psychosexual therapist.

Common causes:

  • Relationship problems – such as becoming overly familiar with your partner,  poor communication or trust issues
  • Sexual problems – including erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness
  • Stress, anxiety or depression
  • Age – sex hormones fall during the menopause. Low libido can also occur due to the side effects of medication or mobility problems
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding – can cause changes in hormone levels, exhaustion or altered priorities as people focus on their child
  • Underlying health issues – such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes 
  • Medication – including antidepressants and drugs for high blood pressure
  • Alcohol and drugs 

Source: NHS Choices 

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