Multiple Extracurriculars Unnecessary for College Entrance

Potential college students don’t need to spread themselves thin by choosing multiple extracurricular activities to try an impress college admission, according to a study by sociologists from Ohio State University about how socioeconomics play a role in college admission and attendance. What to know: Participating in two or more extracurricular activities offers no advantage and may draw attention away from […]

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Vitamin D supplements: Could they help lower inflammation?

Inflammation is the mechanism by which the body responds to and fights infection. However, chronic, or long-term, inflammation is associated with many diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and dementia. Age, obesity, poor diet, and smoking increase the risk of chronic inflammation. A new study has added to growing evidence of a link between vitamin D deficiency and inflammation. The […]

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Maternal deaths in the US more than doubled over two decades. Black mothers died at the highest rate

Maternal deaths across the U.S. more than doubled over the course of two decades, and the tragedy unfolded unequally. Black mothers died at the nation’s highest rates, while the largest increases in deaths were found in American Indian and Native Alaskan mothers. And some states—and racial or ethnic groups within them—fared worse than others. The findings were laid out in […]

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Triple combination therapy brings lasting improvement in cystic fibrosis, shows study

The mucus in the airways is not as sticky, and inflammation in the lungs is significantly reduced: Triple combination therapy can achieve these positive, lasting effects in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Researchers from Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center have just recently published their findings in the European Respiratory Journal. According to their research, this form of medication […]

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