How to Get Away Without Showering After a Workout

Are you the queen of the 8 a.m. pre-work workout, or the lunchtime power hour? It’s the best way to jumpstart a work day, especially if cardio is equivalent to your coffee — but racing through a quick run or HIIT sesh and have  enough time to shower and recover before returning to work or carrying on with a million […]

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Researchers reverse chemotherapy-related fertility loss using cell-based therapy

A new study in a preclinical model, by investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, demonstrates the potential for restoring fertility when the ovaries have stopped working. The researchers found that adult stem cells could restore healthy hormone levels after chemotherapy and lead to natural conception resulting in the birth of live mice. Techniques based on the study could revolutionize fertility […]

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Catheter ablation: A new first-line treatment option for atrial fibrillation

Reviewers’ Notes Announcing a new article publication for Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications journal. Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia worldwide, affecting millions of the general population. It is a leading cause of stroke and is associated with many other long-term adverse cardiovascular issues. Long-term management of atrial fibrillation can involve simply controlling the ventricular rate with AV nodal blocking […]

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How cell-free RNA could revolutionize preeclampsia diagnosis

Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy disorder, marked by high blood pressure and the presence of proteins in urine, affecting between 2% and 4% of pregnant women worldwide, leading to about 46,000 maternal deaths and about 500,000 fetal and newborn deaths each year. The heterogeneity and complexity of preeclampsia make it difficult to predict risk and develop treatments. A recent study […]

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New ultra-flexible neural implant records single-neuron activity in deep-brain regions

Reviewers’ Notes A new ultra-small and ultra-flexible electronic neural implant, delivered via blood vessels, can record single-neuron activity deep within the brains of rats, according to new study. "This technology could enable long-term, minimally invasive bioelectronic interfaces with deep-brain regions, writes Brian Timko in a related Perspective. Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) enable direct electrical communication between the brain and external electronic […]

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High body temperature increases resistance to pathogenic viral infections, new study finds

Clinical evidence suggests that elderly individuals are at a higher risk of contracting viral infections. Quite notably, the older people also have lower mean body temperatures. However, the effects of increased body temperature on fighting viral infections remain largely unexplored. A team of Japanese researchers has now been able to bridge the gap by linking higher body temperature with an […]

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Volunteering in late life associated with better executive function and episodic memory

Reviewers’ Notes Volunteering in late life is associated with better cognitive function — specifically, better executive function and episodic memory — according to research presented today at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference® (AAIC®) 2023, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and online. Volunteers are cornerstones of all communities and imperative to the success and impact of many organizations, including the Alzheimer's Association. We […]

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