Bahrain to launch national digital platform for health facility admin services

The Kingdom of Bahrain is set to launch a national digital platform aimed at serving health facilities, it has emerged.
The yet-to-be-named online hub – which will reportedly be accessible via – will fall under the Gulf country’s National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA), and is due to launch later on this year.
“This system includes many services, including licensing a new facility or branch, changing the classification of the facility, adding a service, transferring ownership, changing the address, changing the name, and closing the facility or one of its branches,” NHRA chief executive, Mariam Al Jalahma told GDN Online.
This week, the World Health Organisation (WHO) opened its 152nd office, in Manama. Bahrain became the first capital in the Middle East to be dubbed a “Healthy City” by the WHO earlier in the year.
According to the NHRA, every health facility in Bahrain will have a dedicated page on the platform, allowing it to track all applications, reports, and violations in one location. The page will also include the validity information of all employee licenses as well as medical devices.
“The electronic shift aims to develop the quality and efficiency of services, streamline procedures and facilitate access to services,” added Al Jalahma.
The Kingdom’s digital transformation is part of the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030, which was first unveiled in 2008. The country is among those in Asia with the highest E-Government Development Index (EGDI) values, as per a 2020 report by the United Nations. It ranks just ahead of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), but behind the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
“The WHO was monitoring the response of member states and what was accomplished in Bahrain deserves to be acknowledged,” said WHO representative and Bahrain Head of Office, Tasnim Atatrah, during the latest WHO office launch on Monday.
“Efforts have also been made to ensure the full continuity of essential healthcare services to the people who require treatment for other health conditions and who also need to continue receiving the different services,” Atatrah added. “Manama became the first capital in the Middle East to receive [the Healthy City award], adding a new international achievement to the kingdom’s rich track record.”
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