Bed bugs: The Cimex lectularius parasite may be hiding in your house

Connie Flores finds 'bed bugs' on Princess cruise line mattress

Bites alone may not raise suspicion to a bed bug infestation – instead, you need to be aware of various clues that highlight their existence. What are they?

According to pest control company Rentokil, there are four signs of bed bugs in your home.


The first thing you need to look out for is “dark or black stains” that may be on the mattress or surrounding area from bed bug excreta.

The blood spots will “usually appear in a linear, row-like arrangement”.


Another warning sign of bed bugs – also known as Cimex lectularius – is noting an unpleasant “sweet and sickly scent”.


There may be “small dark spots” known as “faecal pellets” which can be as little as 0.5mm.

These can be found in mattresses, bed frames, and even behind wallpapers.

Bed bug sightings

Of course, the most obvious sign of a bed bug problem is seeing them yourself.

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Despite measuring up to 5mm long, it’s still possible to see bed bugs and notice their shed skins.

If you notice any activity of bed bugs, it’s encouraged to seek professional services as soon as possible, as they can be hard to get rid of on your own.

People may not realise they have a problem, as the bites are usually painless and keeping an eye out for the parasites might not cross someone’s mind.

The bed and mattress aren’t the only areas you need to be on the lookout for the bugs.

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They can appear in carpets and underlay, skirting boards, timber floorboards, in cracked or broken plaster and inside electrical sockets and fittings.

These sneaky pests can also hide in drawers, cupboards, wardrobes, and bedside cabinets.

Anywhere where someone regularly sleeps need to be examined for bed bugs, as they need easy access to a “blood meal” at night.

Moreover, bed bugs are “attracted to body heat, and carbon dioxide from our breath”.

Well-adapted to travel, bed bugs might hitchhike a ride into your home following a furniture purchase from a second-hand or vintage shop.

Do inspect any furniture before taking items home, or get them treated by a pest control service.

Staying away in overnight accommodation – even though currently restricted – can spread bedbugs from the infested area into your own home when you return.

The pests can hide in clothes and suitcases too, so they might be brought in from unsuspecting guests.

Can bed bugs be prevented?

Rentokil want to reassure people that a bed bug infestation “does not reflect on your standards of cleanliness in any way”.

Top tips to prevent an infestation include washing and drying clothes “at the highest possible temperatures”.

In addition, remove clutter from your home to give the bugs fewer places to hide.

Emptying and cleaning the vacuum can also ensure bed bug eggs aren’t transferred to other areas of the house.

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