Community-based rehab for disabilities works even in areas of conflict

A community-based rehabilitation program (CBR) may be an effective way to provide services to people with disabilities even in places with conflict, such as Afghanistan, finds a new study from the Brown School and the School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis.
The paper, “Access to Services from Persons with Disabilities in Afghanistan: Is Community Based Rehabilitation Making a Difference?” was published in May in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Jean-Francois Trani, associate professor at the Brown School, was corresponding author and Parul Bakhshi, assistant professor of occupational therapy at the School of Medicine, was senior author.
CBR programs aim to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services involving educational, social, economic and medical interventions for people with disabilities.
The study aimed to determine if a large-scale CBR program would improve access to multiple services, including physical therapy, assistive technology, education, employment, advocacy and community awareness.
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