Corona crisis: the Federal government wants to buy protective masks in
Coronavirus outbreak in Germany: 397 people have already died, 54.212 are infected with the Coronavirus. Worldwide more than 500,000 cases were registered. Meanwhile, the US experienced with over 115.500 cases, most of the Corona cases worldwide. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
In view of the acute shortage of protective masks and gowns, the Federal government is in the Coronavirus-crisis to accelerate the procurement of the material. The Ministry of health have launched a so-called Open-House procedures, reported the "World on Sonntag". Since in this procedure no negotiations, transactions to be processed more quickly. Companies that respond to the offer, you must deliver according to the report, at least 25,000 pieces of one of the two products, a minimum standard guarantee and the delivery to answer to. dpa/Christian Beutler/KEYSTONE/dpa/Illustration of A respirator of the category FFP and disposable gloves.
"We want to schützen" Doctors, nurses and all who work in health care, in the best way possible;, the Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), said the "World on Sonntag", "Therefore, we obtain, as a Federal protective medical equipment from all over the world and supply to all States and cash medical associations." The Ministry will offer "fair, fixed prices for all of the us and abroad, with protection masks and protective overalls beliefern".
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