GP is struck off for string of derogatory Facebook posts

NHS doctor Ricky Allen is struck off after making derogatory social media posts which included calling Brits who took Covid vaccines ‘brainless half-wits’ and Islam a ‘religion for dirty old men’
- Dr Ricky Allen worked as a GP and hospital doctor for more than 30 years
- He said only a ‘brainless halfwit’ would get Covid jab in ‘deplorable’ online posts
An NHS doctor who shared a string of anti-vaxx and derogatory social media posts has been struck off.
Dr Ricky Allen, who worked as a GP and hospital doctor for more than 30 years, said only a ‘brainless halfwit’ would get a Covid jab and labelled Scottish people as ‘despicable, stingy and small minded’.
His swathe of insulting posts included calling Islam a ‘religion for dirty old men’ and suggesting there be ‘machine guns every 200 yards’ along Kent’s coast and bodies that wash up ‘burned on the beach’.
Dr Allen, who retired in 2018 but returned to the NHS during the pandemic, should be immediately struck off for his ‘deplorable’ comments, a tribunal ruled.
His posts amounted to ‘serious’ misconduct and his fitness to practice was impaired, it concluded.
Dr Allen, who once appeared on Channel 4 show Hunted, retired in spring 2018 after a 33-year career.
Dr Ricky Allen, who worked as a GP and hospital doctor for more than 30 years, said only a ‘brainless halfwit’ would get a Covid jab and labelled Scottish people as ‘despicable, stingy and small minded’
His swathe of insulting posts included calling Islam a ‘religion for dirty old men’ and suggesting there be ‘machine guns every 200 yards’ along Kent’s coast and bodies that wash up ‘burned on the beach’. Pictured: Mock-up of Dr Allen’s social media posts
But he returned to the NHS primary care physician in A&E at Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother Hospital in Margate, Kent in March 2020 to help during Covid.
However, in July 2020, a police community support officer made a complaint to the General Medical Council (GMC) about Dr Allen’s social media posts.
In response, the GMC, the medical regulator which maintains the official register of health practitioners in the UK, revoked his temporary licence to practise.
The complaint accused Dr Allen of posting anti-vaxx comments on Facebook.
One such post said: ‘Only a brainless half wit would contemplate having an experimental and occasionally lethal chemical irreversibly and repeatedly injected into themselves because it MAY but likely wont reduce the chance of dying on the roads by one eighth (12.5%). There are evidently loads of such idiots about. Don’t be one of them.’
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Another post stated: ‘The greater mass of the British public, the thick, lazy brain dead farm animals that they are, have lapped up this Covid scam as it’s been spoon fed to them by the media.
‘They deserve all that’s coming to them. It’s natural selection at work.’
Dr Allen admitted to sharing the posts, which the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) concluded encouraged people not to have a Covid jab.
It added that the posts had could undermine public health information, while some may have damaged public trust and confidence in the medical profession.
The tribunal noted that Dr Allen attached his name, and GMC registration number to his tirade of posts about the Covid jabs.
He also posted ‘derogatory’ comments about religion, race, nationality, immigration, transgender issues, gender and same-sex relationships.
Dr Allen admitted posting: ‘The Scots are whinging again…A despicable, stingy and small minded race they are. And half of’em are drug addicts’.
He also shared that ‘I cannot help but think that Islam is the religion for dirty old men’ and immigrants are ‘illegal aliens’ are ‘a plague’ and have turned Paris into an ‘open sewer’.
Dr Allen posted that the UK employs ‘some really really s*** foreign ‘doctors” and has ‘imported lots of filth into this country’.
Another post stated: ‘Never trust a Chinese. In Chinese culture it is entirely acceptable to lie shamelessly. The shame lies in not getting away with it’.
The medic also waded into the trans row, stating that: ‘Humans come as Male or Female, as dictated by their chromosome complement: XY or XX.
‘Surgical scalpels, hormones, high heels, dresses and lipstick may alter the external appearance of gender confused (mad) individuals but their sex stays unchanged.
‘To think otherwise is insane.’
In a February 2020 post, he said: ‘Men who live the fantasy of being a woman are perverts in the truest sense. Those that conspire with them and encourage others to believe the fantasy aren’t much better.’
Dr Allen also accused ‘most male school teachers’ of being ‘sexual deviants of one kind or another’ that should ‘not be allowed near children’.
In comments found to be derogatory towards gender, he said in March 2020 that ‘many females are hopelessly stupid and little more than life support machines for their own reproductive apparatus’.
The tribunal also found posts which could support or incite violence, including calls to push people over fences and ‘stamp’ on their heads and ‘take a flame thrower to them’.
In oral evidence to the tribunal earlier this year, Dr Allen said he had become increasingly concerned in summer 2020 about the Government’s ‘fearmongering’ response to the pandemic.
He said the Government were using lies, fear, threats, bribery and shaming and that doctors were inaccurately claiming that the vaccine provided complete protection against the virus.
The medic also accused the GMC of ‘dancing to the tune of its political masters’ by opening an investigation into him, according to its ruling.
Dr Allen, who said he went to an anti-vaxx march in London carrying a big placard, noted that his posts about jabs came after most over-65s had been injected.
He said some of his posts would only be ‘derogatory’ to a certain proportion of the population, while the ‘vast majority’ of the public would agree with him, the ruling states.
Dr Allen argued that his language is different on Twitter and Facebook and social media is a realm for ‘free speech’ but argued that he is ‘respectful in the medical environment when practising’.
However, the GMC argued that his comments were derogatory and would damage the reputation of the medical profession. It said that ‘most members of the general public would be appalled by the comments made by Dr Allen’.
Dr Allen, who once appeared on Channel 4 show Hunted , retired in spring 2018 after a 33-year career. But he returned to the NHS primary care physician in A&E at Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother Hospital (pictured) in Margate, Kent in March 2020 to help during Covid
The MPTS said some of his posts had the potential to undermine public trust and confidence in the medical profession.
The tribunal found that his anti-vaxx comments about ‘brainless halfwits’ and that Brits ‘lapped up this Covid scam’ went ‘beyond legitimate debate’ around the dangers of the Covid vaccine.
As a result, Dr Allen’s actions fell ‘far below the standards of conduct expected of a registered doctor’, it said.
He also shared a swathe of derogatory and ‘deplorable’ comments ‘about a wide variety of people whose characteristics he disliked,’ the tribunal stated.
As a result, it found that his posts amounted to ‘serious’ misconduct and his fitness to practice was impaired.
While Dr Allen’s social media posts did not risk patient safety, he ‘abused his position as a doctor and the trust the public placed in him’, the tribunal said.
It ordered his name to be immediately removed from the medical register, meaning that he is struck off and can no longer work as a doctor in the UK.
However, he has around a month to appeal the decision.
Struck-off GP’s string of Facebook posts in full
Facebook posts about Covid jabs that encouraged people not to have the vaccine and ‘had the potential to undermine UK public health information’
‘He knows that the deaths will be in those who have had the covid ‘vaccines’
‘However the previously vaccine induced spike making cells are all over the body and involve all organs rather than just the lungs. The real infection thus triggers the immune system to destroy massive numbers of cells in multiple organs all over the body, even though the virus has been nowhere near them, usually resulting in death through multiple organ failure. A disease that would otherwise been mild is made lethal. This is DISEASE ENHANCEMENT brought about by the vaccine’;
‘Only a brainless half wit would contemplate having an experimental and occasionally lethal chemical irreversibly and repeatedly injected into themselves because it MAY but likely wont reduce the chance of dying on the roads by one eighth (12.5%). There are evidently loads of such idiots about. Don’t be one of them’;
‘Surely the Coroner should have recorded Death by Misadventure’;
‘The greater mass of the British public, the thick, lazy brain dead farm animals that they are, have lapped up this Covid scam as it’s been spoon fed to them by the media. They deserve all that’s coming to them. It’s natural selection at work’.
‘Derogatory comments on religion and proponents of religion’
‘Their whole religion is based on misogyny and paedophilia’
‘They won’t go to Heaven and get their 27 virgins if they’ve been b***** to death in a UK prison. Allah will in fact be very cross with them’
‘I cannot help but think that Islam is the religion for dirty old men’.
‘Derogatory comments on race, nationality and immigration’
‘We seem to have imported lots of filth into this country’
‘Yellow skinned people are inherently cruel, not just to animals but to each other. Look at the awful Japs. Cruel little creatures’
‘I’ve seen so much imagery of the filthy Japs obscenities… The Americans pardoned the monkey Hirohito…’;
‘Anybody who thinks otherwise places the disgusting, cruel Japanese over his or her own people’;
‘I would say, that we do employ some really really s*** foreign ‘doctors’;
‘Is he one of those knife wielding little animals, almost always from recently imported ethnic groupings ‘of colour’ who are responsible for the record London murder rate? Sounds like he needs a slap, or possibly simply deport him’;
‘They could have called it their Alluha Akbar knockdown sale’;
‘We need to round up all radical Muslims living amongst us and place them into secure guarded camps’;
‘They’re not immigrants they’re illegal aliens attempting a break in… Paris has become an open sewer because of them. They are literally a plague’;
‘Machine guns every 200 yards along the Kent coast. Bodies washed up to be burned on the beach. No religious burials. Up to heaven with a breeze’;
‘Well, I’m sure if you were to look at the racial demographics of these Labour member Britain haters you’d find that most are imported ethnics or their offspring, so Britain is not really ‘their’ country. They could just leave. Or be thrown out’;
‘I wish they’d do all of those things to you. Please p*** off back to Guyana’;
‘The Scots are whinging again…A despicable, stingy and small minded race they are. And half of’em are drug addicts’
‘Never trust a Chinese. In Chinese culture it is entirely acceptable to lie shamelessly. The shame lies in not getting away with it’;
‘She and her kids can always go back to the shit hole from whence they came. In Australia they’d be in an internment camp and damn right too’
‘Never in the history of human enterprise were two atom bombs more wisely spent’.
‘Derogatory comments on transgender issues’
‘Humans come as Male or Female, as dictated by their chromosome complement: XY or XX. Surgical scalpels, hormones, high heels, dresses and lipstick may alter the external appearance of gender confused (mad) individuals but their sex stays unchanged. To think otherwise is insane’
‘Trans girls aren’t females. They are biological men who imagine themselves to be females. Deranged people support their absurd fantasy. You can imagine yourself to be what you want. It’s your right. Doesn’t mean you are though and it doesn’t mean others should agree’
‘Men who live the fantasy of being a woman are perverts in the truest sense. Those that conspire with them and encourage others to believe the fantasy aren’t much better’
‘It’s a form of mental illness. Sadly some members of the medical profession collude with them in their fantasies. They should be struck off’
‘There’ll be loads out there, ‘professional’ and otherwise who will conspire with this women in maintaining her fantasy that she’s a man. The child should be removed from her and placed with a normal family. Her male partner must be dead dodgy as well’.
‘Derogatory comments on gender and/or same sex relationships’
‘Most male school teachers are sexual deviants of one kind or another. They should not be allowed near children’
‘Many females are hopelessly stupid and little more than life support machines for their own reproductive apparatus. They’ll always find sad males to fertilise them and so can just keep banging’em out. Each child is a Free Money coupon’
‘Tweets inciting/supporting violence’
‘Should have pushed the little tosser over the fence and stamped on his head’
‘Take a flame thrower to them’
‘A flame thrower should be used on that mob of journo scum’
Other ‘derogatory comments’
‘Lots of w****** do use ‘soft’ medical diagnoses such as autism, ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), personality disorder, learning difficulties etc to excuse their behaviour when they are called to account, when the correct diagnosis is really ‘a***hole’;
‘And they all seem to be women. So much anger! Is Twitter a harbour for Mad Cow Disease?’
‘And you sound like a bitter unhappy lady, possibly with some terrible relationship behind you, residual emotional and psychosexual problems and a bottle of Prozac at the bedside.’
‘people often get themselves medical labels to excuse their a***hole behaviour. I see it all the time’.
‘Poor unhappy lady has likely retired to bed with her book and some Prozac. I doubt there’d be a Mr [P]. She sounds as mad as a box of frogs.’
‘Depression’ is rife. Scratch away and you soon realise that they’re not depressed, just a bit unhappy because they’re not really being handed everything that they imagined in their childish self entitled fantasies.’
‘Fat people should be denied all public stages. Their greed means that they are poor role models’
‘There are a number of medical conditions which may cause overweight if untreated. However the vast majority of our fatties are plain greedy’
‘Porkers often are an unhappy group, often not liking themselves, and therein lies their problem. They cheer themselves up by scoffing. There’s nothing I can prescribe.’
‘And over the years I’ve had thousands of fatties come to me asking what ‘to take’ in order to lose weight because they eat ‘next to nothing’. I normally advise that they ‘take’ a trip to Somalia where there really is ‘nothing’ to eat.’
‘The so called depressives were generally not really depressed but rather simply felt that they did not feel as happy as life owed them. it was then really for them to improve their situation rather than come along to the doctor to have their backs patted and their noses wiped.’
‘Where are the Child and Adolescent Mentsl Heath Services when you need ’em? She’ll be a self-harmer that one.’
‘Exhibitionist nut cases. It’s shameful how autistic youngsters and psychologically unhinged ladies are exploited by this movement’;
‘…now this nutty white professor ‘black activist’… like so many other WOKE causes is driven forward by mentally deranged middle class white women. Mad Cow Disease has never gone away’.
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