Heart attack: Do you sweat like this? The unknown warning sign of the dangerous condition
When temperatures soar or one has a fever, it’s perfectly normal to sweat. However, sometimes sweating for no reason could be a major warning sign of something far more sinister. Sweating more than usual could in fact be a sign of heart problems and should not be ignored.
Pumping blood through clogged arteries takes a lot more effort from the heart, so the body sweats more to try to keep the body temperature down during this added exertion.
Night sweats are also a common warning sign for women who may be experiencing heart problems.
Both of these conditions can often be overlooked; however, it could be a way the body is warning that a heart attack may ensue.
Breaking out into a sudden sweat for no apparent reason is actually a common symptom of a heart attack but many are unaware of this.
Sweating profusely when you don’t have a fever and are not exerting yourself or in a hot environment – especially if accompanied by other symptoms including light-headedness, shortness of breath, nausea, or chest pain – may be a symptom of a heart attack.
Excessive sweating is one of the earliest warning signs of a heart attack.
If some of the body’s arteries are clogged with fatty deposits, the heart needs to work harder to make sure blood is pumped around the body.
The result is excessive sweating and is a symptom of a heart attack.
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Heart attack symptoms in women
Women may have all, many, a few or none of the typical heart attack symptoms, said Mayo Clinic.
It continued: “Some type of pain, pressure or discomfort in the chest is still a common symptom of a heart attack in women.
“However, many women have heart attack symptoms without chest pain.
“These may include pain in the neck, back, shoulders or jaw, or shortness of breath.”
Ways to prevent a heart attack
Making lifestyle changes the most effective way to prevent having a heart attack, according to the NHS.
There are three main steps you can take to prevent one happening:
Eat a healthy, balanced diet
Do not smoke
Try to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level
A person can lower their risk of a heart attack by making some small diet or lifestyle changes.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet will significantly lower the chances of fatty deposits in the arteries.
If you think you, or someone you know, may be having a heart attack, it’s imperative to dial 999 straight away.
If you have been excessively sweating for no reason, monitor your symptoms carefully and speak to a GP if unsure.
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