High Cholesterol: The spiced festive drink that can lower your levels by 12%

This Morning's Dr Chris discusses the signs of high cholesterol

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High cholesterol doesn’t cause many symptoms, making it nearly impossible to spot. However, too much of this waxy substance can lead to your blood vessels getting blocked, causing heart problems or even stroke, the NHS reports. With the Christmas party season in full swing, many will be happy to know that a certain spiced festive drink may lower high cholesterol levels by up to 12 percent.

Express.co.uk spoke to nutritionist and fitness expert Nataly Komova about the link between mulled wine and cholesterol.

The nutritionist has shared that the popular Christmas drink offers several health benefits, including its ability to lower “bad cholesterol” levels.

“Bad” cholesterol, also referred to as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), is the one that can lead to problems like heart disease and stroke.

Komova explained the goodies hidden in the hot festive drink responsible for cholesterol reduction are polyphenols and resveratrol compounds.

The nutritionist and fitness expert for JustCBD said: “Polyphenols compounds in the body help lower the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels.

“[While] resveratrol compounds help increase levels of ‘good’ cholesterol and minimise harmful cholesterol levels.”

“Good” cholesterol can be beneficial for your body as it carries the fatty substance away from your cells to your liver, where it gets disposed of or broken down, the NHS explains.

Komova isn’t the only one to claim mulled wine has a cholesterol-lowering ability as there’s also research backing this.

A Spanish study conducted by The Complutense University of Madrid has found that specific type of red grapes can “significantly” impact cholesterol levels.

Their research suggests that Tempranillo grapes used to make certain wine, such as Rioja, may reduce high cholesterol.

The study participants, who had the same grape supplement found in red wine, had a nine percent decrease in their “bad” cholesterol.

And the participants with high cholesterol saw even a higher drop measured at 12 percent.

“Red wine, grape juice, and pinot noir are good wines that can help lower cholesterol levels. They are rich in resveratrol which reduces bad HDL cholesterol in the blood significantly,” Komova added.

How much mulled wine should I drink?

As mulled wine is an alcoholic drink after all, the fitness expert recommends sticking to only a glass a day.

She explained: “A glass of mulled wine daily can efficiently help lower bad cholesterol levels. It optimises good cholesterol in the blood and reduces bad LDL cholesterol, improving your immune system.

“Drinking too much mulled wine can cause seizures, walking problems, blackouts, vomiting, and other problems.”

Prepare mulled wine at home to enjoy the most benefits

Komova advises ditching sugar to enjoy all of the health benefits of the drink as mulled wine which is made of fresh fruits can give it the sweet taste without taking toll on your health.

The nutritionist noted: “The compounds in sugar limit the ability of mulled wine to lower cholesterol levels. 

“To give your wine a sweet flavour, honey or maple syrup and fresh fruits are great options.”

Don’t forget to add cinnamon as this spice offers anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight inflammation and pain in muscles and joints, according to Komova.

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