Man finds genius £1 product to end nights of poor sleep during UK heatwave

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David Bentley penned: “When we have a heatwave… a good night’s sleep can become a real challenge.”
While David tried one method to cool him down, a cold shower before bed, he found that the “effect doesn’t last that long”.
In an opinion piece for Birmingham Live, David revealed his “cheap and simple” trick that has helped him sleep at night.
“I went for a genius hack involving ice packs that cost about £1 each,” David penned.
“All you need to do is take one out at night and pop it into a spare pillowcase from the airing cupboard, then put it in the bed where your feet can touch it.”
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David added another piece of advice: “Don’t totally wrap it up in the pillowcase or you’ll reduce the cooling effect.”
He described the sensation of his feet going across the ice pack as “pure bliss”.
David wrote: “The effect seemed to last for ages and it certainly helped me nod off.”
The Gentle Sleep Expert Andrea Grace shared additional tips to help people sleep better at night during balmy weather.
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“Getting enough sleep is important for our overall health, both physically and mentally,” the expert told Sky News.
“Sleep plays a crucial role in important functions like concentration, decision-making, problem-solving, emotional balance, eating well, resistance to infections, and avoiding accidents.”
Her tips include:
- Putting a bowl of ice in front of a fan so that it pushes out cool air
- Use linen or cotton bedding
- Sleep with the bedroom window open.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) warned of homes that are “more likely to overheat”, such as:
- Top-floor flats
- Apartments with opening windows on one side of the property
- Homes located in densely built-up, urban areas.
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To help cool your home, and yourself, the UKHSA advises to “shade or cover windows”, to open windows at night, and to use electric fans.
A word of caution, however, as fans should not be directed at your body, as this could “lead to dehydration”.
The UKHSA added: “To reduce heat generated in the home, turn off lights and electrical equipment that are not in use and consider cooking at cooler times of the day.”
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