Measures tightened: Chinese province to fight against the second Corona-shaft

The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath, More than three million people have been infected worldwide with the novel Virus – 160.576 of them in Germany.
Measures tightened: Chinese province to fight against the second Corona-shaft
The Chinese province of Heilongjang, is currently fighting against the Flare up of a second Corona-shaft. The province’s capital, Harbin, has now ordered stricter measures, such as, among other things, “ibtimes” reported. Restaurants are allowed to spend no more food in indoor spaces. The associate the local authorities. The province, in the North-East of the country bordering Russia. Meanwhile, the borders are closed, after some infections introduced had been introduced.
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FOCUS Online/Wochit Suddenly much lower: RKI explains why reproduction number strongly varies
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