Post-Roe, Pregnant SCD Patients Facing ‘Dire’ Risks

When maternal-fetal medicine specialist Andra James, MD, MPH, trained as a midwife decades ago, women with sickle cell disease (SCD) were urged to never get pregnant. If they did, termination was considered the best option.
“If they did carry a pregnancy, the baby would not survive to the point of viability,” James, emeritus professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Duke University, Durham, N.C., recalled in an interview.
The fates of women with SCD have transformed dramatically since those grim days. In general, this blood disorder no longer robs patients of decades of life, and many women with SCD bear healthy children. But their pregnancies are still considered high risk with significant potential for health crises and death. Now, there’s a new complication: The overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Many states imposed tighter restrictions on abortions in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs ruling, sparking worry among physicians that women with SCD won’t be able to get proper maternal care in some parts of the United States.
For example, women with SCD may be unable able to seek elective abortions in some states even if their pregnancies pose a danger to their lives. And abortion restrictions are imperiling access to a medication that’s used to treat miscarriages, which are more common in women with SCD.
“The situation with Dobbs is dire, and maternal health care is being compromised,” Johns Hopkins University pediatric hematologist Lydia Pecker, MD, who treats young people with SCD and studies its impact on pregnancy, said in an interview. “Women with sickle cell disease who are pregnant constitute an underserved and understudied population with special health care needs, and the Dobbs decision will only make providing their care even more difficult in many parts of the country.”
For her part, James described the risk to pregnant women with SCD this way: In the wake of the court ruling, “we increase the opportunity for them to lose their lives and for their babies to die.”
SCD’s Impact on Pregnancy
While physicians no longer advise women with SCD to avoid motherhood, pregnancy is still uniquely dangerous for them. “Most of them have babies and children who are thriving, but it’s not easy for them,” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill hematologist and SCD specialist Jane Little, MD, said in an interview. And in some cases, she said, pregnancies “do not end well.”
For a 2022 report, Pecker and colleagues analyzed 2012-2018 data for 6,610 U.S. hospital admissions among women with SCD (87% of whom were Black). These women were more likely than were unaffected women to suffer severe maternal morbidity (odds ratio[OR], 4.63, 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.16-5.16, P < .001). Cerebrovascular event were especially more common in SCD (OR, 13.94, P < .001).
According to a 2019 report, pregnant women with SCD “are more likely to develop a host of complications, particularly hypertensive syndromes (such as preeclampsia), venous thromboembolism (VTE), preterm labor, and fetal loss. Newborns are more likely to have growth problems and prematurity.”
Although data are sparse, experts say it’s also clear that women with SCD face significantly higher risk of death in pregnancy compared to other women. In fact, the maternal mortality rate for females with SCD “is higher than for Black females without SCD, who already suffer from a higher mortality rate than White females during pregnancy and childbirth,” Andrea Roe, MD, MPH, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, said in an interview.
Women with SCD also are more likely to have premature and stillborn births.
Some of the health challenges in pregnant women with SCD stem from the body’s inability to boost blood production in order to supply the placenta, said James, the Duke University emeritus professor. “Her bone marrow is already turning out red blood cells as fast as it can.”
In addition, she said, these women are more susceptible to infection, blood clots, and damage to the kidneys and lungs.
Still, in most cases of SCD in pregnancy, “we counsel a woman that we can get you safely through it,” James said. “But there is a subset of patients that will have organ damage from their sickle cell disease and should not become pregnant or stay pregnant if they become pregnant.”
Court Ruling Limits Options in Some States
The Dobbs ruling affects pregnant women with SCD in two ways: It allows states to restrict or ban abortion to greater extents than were possible over the last 50 years, and it has spawned further limitations on access to mifepristone, which is commonly used to treat early miscarriages.
In some cases, James said, abortions in this population are elective. “People with sickle cell disease are frequently in pain, they are frequently hospitalized. They may have suffered strokes or subclinical strokes or have some cognitive impairment, and they don’t have the mental and physical fortitude [to tolerate pregnancy and birth].”
In other cases, abortions are medically necessary to preserve the mother’s life. The American Society of Hematology highlighted the risks posed by SCD to maternal health in a June 24 statement that criticized the Dobbs ruling. “In some cases, denying women their right to terminate a pregnancy puts them at risk of serious illness or death,” wrote Jane N. Winter, MD, president of ASH and professor of medicine at Northwestern University, Chicago.
There do not appear to be any statistics about abortion rates among women with SCD in the United States or whether the rates are higher than in other groups.
As for miscarriages in SCD, an analysis of first pregnancies in California women with SCD from 1991 to 2016 found that about 16% were “incomplete,” mainly (59.3%) from miscarriage.
The Dobbs ruling allows states to further restrict the drug combination of mifepristone and misoprostol, which is used to trigger abortions and to treat early pregnancy loss. Access to mifepristone was already limited prior to the ruling due to tight regulation, and advocates say it’s now even harder to get.
What Now? Physicians Urge Focus on Contraception
As the ramifications of the Dobbs ruling sink in, SCD specialists are emphasizing the importance of providing gynecological and contraceptive care to help women with the condition avoid unwanted pregnancies. At the University of North Carolina, “we’re pretty aggressive about trying to give women the option to see a gynecologist to get the best care they can,” Little said. “We have a shared gynecology and sickle cell clinic because we really want women to be making the choice [to become pregnant] when they are ready because it’s a strain on their health and their lives.”
Pecker, the Johns Hopkins University pediatric hematologist, urged colleagues to partner with maternal-fetal medicine specialists so they can quickly get help for pregnant patients when needed. “That way they can get high-quality pregnancy care and help to end pregnancies that need to be ended.”
She recommended “highly effective” progesterone-based birth control as the best first-line contraceptive for women with SCD. And, she said, every woman of child-bearing age with SCD should be assessed annually for their intentions regarding pregnancy. As she put it, “there’s so much that we can do to reduce harms.”
Pecker disclosed financial relationships with the National Institutes of Health, American Society of Hematology, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, Global Blood Therapeutics, and Novo Nordisk. Little disclosed financial relationships with Global Blood Therapeutics, Bluebird Bio, and Forma Therapeutics. Roe has no disclosures.
This article originally appeared on, part of the Medscape Professional Network.
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