Simple 60-second exercise that will get rid of your double chin

Get rid of your double chin!!! This easy exercise works Do it a couple of times everyday for results #doublechinreduction #lifthack #saggingneck #mychin #neckwrinkles
original sound – Jhyll
A double chin occurs if we have an excess of fat between the chin and the neck.
It is not really thought of as something that we can control and can be caused by genetics, age and posture.
However, one beauty expert claims there is a way to minimise or even eliminate the double chin.
On her TikTok channel, which is followed by more than 800,000 people, Jhyll Teplin shared a simple method for doing so.
In a video, liked by almost 30,000 people, the skincare company director recommended a technique that can be performed “anytime, anywhere”.
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She said: “Yes, you can get rid of the double chin with a simple exercise and you do it anytime, anywhere.
“So you can do it in the car, when you’re running, when you’re walking whatever and as many times as you like during the day.
“It strengthens all the muscles in your neck and it helps avoid the double chin.”
Jill, from Melbourne in Australia, demonstrated the exercise.
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To do so she curled her tongue up to the roof of her mouth and back as far as she could.
Hold the position and repeat it to see the best results.
She said: “So what you do is you curl your tongue up and back as far as possible and you hold it in this position, and that works on these as I said, these muscles.
“Just up and back and hold it and nobody knows. You can walk down the street.
“It works, try it and let me know and have a fabulous day.”
This technique is known by some as Mewing, which was first introduced by orthodontist John Mew in the 1990s.
It gained popularity as people wanted to see if they could alter the shape of their jaw.
WebMD explains: “The basic idea behind mewing is that you can change the shape of your jawline if you think about the placement of your tongue in your mouth.
“People also claim it can help with sleep apnoea, sinusitis, and other conditions.”
However, there has been “no serious research” into whether the method can alter the jawline.
WebMD adds: “It’s best to attempt any changes in the way you use your jaw under the guidance of dentist or orthodontist.
“Talk to them before you try anything new.”
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