Sleeping when youve got a cold or flu – expert shares best sleep position

Dr Amir talks about the best sleep positions for health
Every winter we see an increase in respiratory illnesses such as colds, the flu, and – in recent years – COVID-19.
While these infections might be mild for many people, they can wreak havoc on our sleeping patterns – making us even more tired, and prolonging the effects of the illness.
For example, symptoms such as a sore throat, blocked nose and chesty cough are elevated when lying down, worsening congestion and making it harder to breathe.
Sleep is essential for strengthening the immune system when poorly, so it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure a full night’s rest and aid recovery.
With this in mind, Rebecca Swain – sleep expert from Winstons Beds, spoke with about ways to improve your sleep while ill.
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Specifically, sleeping on your side will give you the best relief from cold and flu symptoms, Rebecca advised.
“It’s important to adopt a different sleeping posture when sick,” she said.
“Those struggling with congestion should sleep on their side at a slight angle and elevate their head using extra pillows to relieve sinus pressure in the head.
“Laying directly on the back could make the congestion worse.”
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This advice is backed by the experts at Sleep Advisor.
They said: “Side sleeping can help drain one side of your nasal passageways if one of them is more blocked than the other.
“We also suggest propping up your head while on your side to help drain the sinuses.”
Rebecca shared three other tips for sleeping while ill.
A stuffy nose can keep you up at night, but steaming will loosen mucus to ensure quality shut-eye.
She said: “Inhale the steam over a bowl of hot water and consider adding honey or essential oils like lavender or tea tree to ease inflammation.”
Keep the bedroom cool
The NHS recommends that the bedroom should be between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius for the best sleep.
She said: “It may be tempting to wrap up warm when under the weather, but this could disrupt sleep and exacerbate symptoms, so add a fan or open the window to add some cool air.”
Stay hydrated
Rebecca added: “Overall hydration helps to alleviate symptoms, and hot drinks are great for those suffering from cold symptoms.
“Herbal tea is a great option as it can soothe sore throats and general congestion and boost the immune system before bed.”
To speed up your recovery from a cold, the NHS recommends getting plenty of rest and sleep.
It also advises drinking plenty of water or squash to avoid dehydration.
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