Stomach bloating: Strategies to reduce symptoms caused after eating – Dr Megan Rossi

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Bloating is painful and can be a source of embarrassment for some, although it needn’t be. Bloating is natural, but excessive bloating can negatively impact your quality of life.
Bestselling author, Dr. Megan Rossi @theguthealthdoctor, and gut health dietician, spoke with about two strategies to reduce bloating.
Megan told “I talk about the strategies that help with bloating, looking at diet and lifestyle.”
The first port of call for Megan when working with bloating is to eliminate any serious medical reasons for the bloating.
After this she and her clients “look at the second line strategies,” she says.
“I think that resonates with people in terms of ‘okay, it’s nothing serious but I want to get on top of it’.
“So, we look at these low-hanging fruit, so to speak.”
Megan speaks about two initial strategies for bloating focused on how, rather than what, clients eat.
She said: “So, one strategy to really help with stomach bloating is just having smaller meals instead of having two or three large meals.
“What we find is that eating the same amount but across five meals actually bloating because it puts less pressure on people with quite sensitive bowels.
“If you’ve got a sensitive gut and you have a really big meal, then comes the bloating. So, small meals.”
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Chewing more can also help to reduce bloating, Megan said.
“Another point is not just the food that you bring into your home but actually how you eat your food.
“We know that chewing the food less than 15 or 30 times actually means less absorption of your food, which essentially means you get more food going through the digestive tract.
“This causes more bacteria to be needed to eat, and that can create extra gas.
“We get people to check in with how often they chew.”
What is bloating?
Bloating is caused by stomach bacteria producing gas when digesting food.
This is a normal thing, and most bloating will go away after a while and is not a cause for concern.
However, those with sensitive guts might experience bloating more.
If your bloating is painful and reduces your quality of life on a regular basis it is important to see your GP.
Dr. Rupy discussed the healthy food causing stomach bloating.
Dr. Rupy Aujila, founder of The Doctor’s Kitchen, told bloating can be caused by attempting to eat better.
“Unfortunately, a lot of healthier ingredients can be indicated as a cause of bloating, particularly if you’re transitioning from a low fibre diet to a high fibre diet,” the health professional said.
“Everyone’s getting involved in gut health these days trying to improve their diet, eating more a plant-focused diet, which is great.
“But as you do that, your gut microbes are going to change in terms of their population and how they respond to different foods.”
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