Taking A Picture of Your Post-Super Bowl Poop Might Win You $10K — & It'll Definitely Teach You About Your Health

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With Super Bowl Sunday on the horizon this weekend, the snack menus will absolutely be popping this weekend. With multi-layer dips, cheese-y everything, brave individuals may be asking “what is this going to do to my poop?” and “does my poop look okay?”
The folks at Tushy (the brand with the cute bidets that can give you a super clean booty for under $100) wants everyone to ditch their poop shy ways and follow that curiosity by submitting a photo of their own “super bowel movements” — to de-stigmatize the often ridiculed bowel movement and offer one brave poo-tographer a major payday to the tune of $10,000 for a second year in a row.
The rules are pretty simple, per Tushy’s statement: “To enter, share a poop pic with TUSHY publicly (being poop shy is so passé) on Instagram (@hellotushy) or Twitter (@hellotushy) using the hashtag #TUSHYSuperBowel or via email ([email protected]). Submissions will be accepted until Monday, February 13, at 11:59 PM ET.”
“Our poop tells us so much about our bodies and the way we live. If you’re not analyzing after you go, you’re missing out. To take it one step further, we have to strip the shame of talking about it!” Miki Agrawal, Founder & Chief Creative Officer of TUSHY told SheKnows. “Society has created this darkness around pooping and it’s put people in a corner of being poop shy. We should feel liberated to talk about our bodily functions – they play such a major role in how we feel on a daily basis.”
But how do yo take an elite, photo-ready poop? And, better yet, how do you have a healthier understanding of what’s coming out of you (and your kids) every day? We got in touch with Dr. Mark Hyman, New York Times bestselling author, family physician and international leader in Functional Medicine, to get the 4-11 on how to take a world class #2.
So what does a healthy gold star poop look like?
“A healthy bowel movement is solid and not too hard,” Hyman tells SheKnows. “However, it’s not only about what it looks like, but what it feels like! A healthy poop should feel natural and exit without force.”
And unsurprisingly, what goes in greatly affects what comes out.
“For a productive poop you feel proud of, focus on soluble fibers, which can slow your digestion process and bulk up your bowel movements for a successful, solid stool,” Hyman adds. “Foods like oatmeal, peanut butter, brown rice, beans, peas and other legumes can bind your stool and keep you full longer, meaning your poop stays intact and you aren’t rushing to the restroom.”
And, beyond a potential payday once a year from a bidet brand, what exactly are the benefits of taking the time to stop and smell the roses and understand what your poop looks like?
“Poop talk goes beyond what happens in the bathroom – our gut health is tied to everything about us and is so important for our long term health,” Hyman says. “Getting familiar with what you eat, the way your stool looks, talking about it and creating awareness around your bowel movements is necessary for caring for your body and something we all should be doing.”
Hear! Hear! Be sure to get your excretion excitement revved up for this Super Bowl weekend and maybe take a quick little shot of whatever’s in your bowl Sunday night. Even if you don’t win the cash, it’s a real chance to learn something new about your poo.
Before you go, check out our favorite period products for every kind of menstruator!
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