The £4.75 NHS tennis ball method that can stop you from snoring

Snoring: Doctor explains how to sleep better at night
Almost half of Britons are guilty when it comes to snoring at night.
While it is typically beyond our control, it can be extremely frustrating for anyone you’re sharing a bed with.
While it can be a sign of something more serious, like sleep apnoea, it can also be linked to factors such as the position you sleep in and drinking alcohol before bed.
A spokesperson for Bed Kingdom said: “Snoring is a common condition that can affect anyone and range from just a little noise to very loud and bothersome.
“According to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association, snoring affects 41 percent of the UK population, and it can not only interrupt sleep but also affect relationships, so it’s essential to understand the impact loud snoring can have on yourself and the people around you.
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“The development of snoring can be caused by a wide range of factors, including weight gain, smoking, vaping, sleeping position, allergies or alcohol consumption.
“If you are a loud snorer and want to avoid keeping your partner from a night of good quality sleep, some quick tips would be to maintain a healthy weight, limit the use of alcohol and smoking, adjust your sleep position to on your side, raising the head of your bed and reducing nasal congestion through the likes of breathing strips.”
Outside of these tips they recommended four hacks that could help you stop snoring.
Tennis ball therapy
This may seem like a strange idea, but it is listed as a legitimate technique on the NHS website.
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Experts at Bed Kingdom said: “A great and cost-saving hack is to tape or sew a tennis ball in the back of your nightwear, as this will help you from sleeping on your back due to the discomfort and move to sleeping on your side.
“This tip, which the NHS also recommends, is to avoid sleeping on your back because it narrows your airways and causes obstructive breathing, which increases snoring.”
Tennis balls are also affordable, with prices starting from around £4.75 on Amazon, eBay and other major retailers.
Have a hot shower or bath
Hot steam released by the water could help clear your nose before bed.
“Another cost-effective tip would be to have a hot shower or bath before bedtime,” they said.
“The hot steam will help to reduce nasal congestion so you can breathe better during the night and assist in easing snoring problems.”
Mouth and tongue exercises
The experts continued: “The third tip is to practise exercises that can strengthen your tongue and throat muscles, as it can help improve tongue posture and help with reducing snoring.
“An example of an exercise is tongue slides, which involves placing the tip of your tongue against the back of your top teeth and sliding your tongue backwards along the roof of your mouth five to 10 times.”
Drink more water
Dehydration is one cause of snoring.
“Going to bed dehydrated can lead to mucus forming in your nose, mouth and throat, which can lead to snoring,” the experts added.
“Drinking plenty of water can be a fast and cost-efficient way to treat snoring; it is recommended for people to aim to drink six to eight glasses of fluid during the day.”
If you are concerned about your snoring you should seek medical advice.
The NHS recommends speaking to your GP if:
- Lifestyle changes are not helping your snoring
- Your snoring is having a big impact on your or your partner’s life
- You feel sleepy during the day, your breathing stops and starts while you sleep, or you make gasping or choking noises while you sleep – you may have sleep apnoea, which can be serious if not treated.
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