These Reddit Parents Are Definitely Getting a Lump of Coal in Their Stocking for Trying to Avoid Their Kids on Christmas Day

Christmas is almost here, a magical time of gifts, good food, and Grinchy parents who don’t even want to see their kids on one of the most wonderful days of the year. Wait…what?
In the “Am I The A—hole?” subreddit, a 21-year-old babysitter took to Reddit to complain about the family she works for wanting her to work on Christmas — so they didn’t have to see their kids. I get if you are a first responder and can’t get off that day, but this is something else completely.
The babysitter wrote that when she started working for this “great family” back in March, she included a list of days the rest of the year where she couldn’t work, including Christmas Day (and New Year’s Eve/Day). “They said that these days were fine and for those days they can get someone to stand in,” she continued. All was fine until they messaged her a few days before Christmas asking “if I could babysit their 3 kids (12M 9M and 3F) on Christmas day from 3pm-9pm.”
“I asked if they were joking, and they said no,” she continued. “They said every other person they’ve asked has also said no to which i replied ‘well they would because its Christmas day’.”
This is so strange, right? Why would you need a babysitter on Christmas Day? Apparently, they were desperate as “they began to beg and said that they’d offer me $50 more than they would any other day. Again, I responded no.” $50? Please, don’t insult her.
She continued in her vent: “The days i have strictly given them are the days that I want off so I can spend time with friends and family. And Christmas is the only day my family can get together and spend time with each other.”
Completely understandable on its own, but it (somehow?) gets even worse. The babysitter reveals the parents will be home the whole time. As in, they will be in the same house, in the other room, when she’s babysitting. “They’ll be In the other room and don’t want the children to distract them.”
Hey kids, let’s have a holly jolly Christmas — then get out of my sight for the rest of the day! Can you imagine? I’m all for the post-present-opening nap, but this is just sad! God forbid your own children “distract” you…on Christmas Day.
The babysitter’s parents are on her side, “My parents told me I’ve done the right thing but other people are telling me I don’t know how it feels to have kids and want to spend time with friends and family and their kids interrupt them.”
But on Christmas? Wouldn’t your friends and family want to see your kids? Couldn’t the 12- and 9-year-olds entertain themselves anyway?
Redditors were also in shock over these ridiculous parents. “NTA. They agreed to you getting those days off, and they need to keep their word. Also, unless they have to work during those hours, why aren’t they spending time with their kids on Christmas?”
“Opening with an extra $50 to work Christmas is straight disrespectful,” another commented. “They’re not assholes for asking, but they are assholes for that offer…”
Other are still shocked about wanting to avoid your kids on the holidays. “I still can’t get past parents thinking Christmas would be more fun without their kids,” one person wrote. “Those poor children. I’m not getting any mother of the year awards here, but wanting to spend holidays with your children seems like the absolute bare minimum. Definitely not OP’s problem, though.”
Some people pointed out that she is going to be watching all the kids on Christmas.
“It’s also for sure not just their kids,” someone else wrote. “She’ll end up with a room full of all the cousins too, and the $50 will somehow magically be enough compensation for that extra as well. The family is having a Christmas party and wants someone to entertain all the youngsters.”
The babysitter edited her post to add more details, and yeah, it’s just as bad as we thought. “The hours 3pm-9pm are because they usually have their Christmas dinner between 1-2pm and want me to look after the kids (theirs and the cousins, nieces, and nephews aswell),” she said, adding, “half 8 they were wanting me to put the children to bed and I could leave at 9pm.” So they are planning on partying so hard they can’t even put their kids to bed? That’s awful!
Santa, are you listening? These parents need coal in their stockings for their rude behavior toward their own kids. And, OP, if you do decide to do it — charge a lot more than $50!
Before you go, check out some of Reddit’s most jaw-dropping Thanksgiving stories.
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