This postpartum contraception is more effective than condoms or birth control pills

Misinformation surrounding LAM as contraception
- Had never given birth
- Were 27–37 weeks pregnant with only one child
- Were 18-40 years old
- Could read English
- Had reliable access to a telephone for texting, and internet access.
- About half of respondents were aware that breastfeeding could delay the return of their monthly periods. However, only 11.3% understood that exclusive breastfeeding is necessary to rely on LAM, and many (47.3%) didn’t know that exclusive breastfeeding is needed to reduce pregnancy risk.
- More than a quarter (28%) knew that LAM is only effective until their monthly periods return. Another 42% indicated LAM was “a little” and 8.4% indicated “a lot” effective to protect against pregnancy in the first six months postpartum.
- Most participants believed that condoms (87.3%) were more effective than LAM. Participants also believed that birth control pills (87.8%) were more effective than LAM.
- Of those participants considering LAM for their contraception, 60% were not aware that exclusive breastfeeding is a requirement of LAM.
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