We must finally get serious: historians criticized Corona-policy of the government
Plague and Cholera, Syphilis, Aids, leprosy, and typhoid: diseases a constant companion of mankind. Two düsseldorf-based medical historian, Heiner Fangerau and Alfons Labisch, have investigated the question of how to us earlier epidemics in the Corona of a pandemic can help. “Influenza and Corona” is the name of your book, the 2. June appears.
Plague and Cholera killed much of million there, and at the end of the 1950s, the 30,000 flu deaths in Germany were accepted according to the authors, just like that. "It has not made much of a fuss and more of the fact scandalised that workers were on sick leave and, thus, economic performance at risk." 2020 is, however, not only Germany, almost to a complete standstill.
"Nothing is unexpected or neu"
What has changed in the meantime? We have a setting other diseases, believe Fangerau and Labisch: "Today, the company is determined to premature death not more, and to save as many people as possible." The consensus was, "that every life should be saved, whether young or old, healthy or sick – no matter what the cost."
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At the latest since the onset of industrialization, the policy has tried to influence epidemics. Generally speaking, you could "vertikal" and "horizontal" intervention, the authors: Once you fight the pathogen in the patient, once its spread in the population. "Nothing of what we are experiencing in the Corona-pandemic measures of public health, is so unexpected or new." Contact constraints were already tested in the case of the Spanish flu in the United States – and as a helpful recognized.
Global trade, global travel and mass gatherings have facilitated the spread
Even psychological reactions are similar: "In the case of virtually any pandemic before it, there were phenomena of exclusion, stigma and the suspicion and Denunziation", run the authors. The sick were isolated in order to protect the population. After all, the methods of today are less violent than in the middle ages, where the victims in plague stations were left to their fate.
The (About)living conditions of the pathogens and the living conditions of the people depend on each other. Poor Hygiene, unsafe drinking water, or a war-weakened population was the breeding ground of previous pandemics. Global trade, global travel and mass gatherings have facilitated the spread of the novel Coronavirus. "Diseases and their dissemination are integrated in a social and cultural environment, and only in this broad perspective, understood."
It is in need of an effective containment strategy
What are the conclusions drawn by the historian from previous epidemics, to deal with the current and future epidemics? In a kind of conclusion at the end of the book, please call: Early intervention to a new pathogen at the place of their origin, to limit the world health organization had to be strengthened. The airports play a key role, in order to prevent the spread, there is an effective mitigation strategy needs to be developed. The regional approach proved to be more than a Central handle. And Prevention costs less than Finance afterwards the damage.
Unfortunately, the bitter truth, we are not particularly capable of learning. "It is more than surprising that after every pandemic in the various bodies, in-depth analysis and forward-reaching scenarios, designed to be carried out and then nothing happens until little to prevent the next pandemic in advance, or to stoppen", the authors write.
The authors criticize the Federal government: "It was nothing unternommen"
"We now have the third corona wave since the Millennium the beginning and almost to the rhythm of ten Jahren", Labisch of the " said;Rhine Post". "The next epidemic is coming and we need to finally get serious and us adequate time to prepare." It’ll take nothing to make evaluations without consequences. "The Bundestag had the topic of the Sars epidemic in 2012, on the agenda, but it was nothing unternommen", complains Labisch. "The us today is expensive."
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In the 19th century. Century, you have to get the disease in the handle, which had been widespread in the course of industrialization and imperialism. It is important to find out what was done to get Cholera, plague and yellow fever in the handle. You know backed up yet, what is the source of the Coronavirus. "It bats could sein" – probably the largest virus reservoir at all;, suspected Labisch. However, the are not Carriers. "As an intermediate host, armadillos, or – more likely – raccoon dogs are called, that is to buy it in China on large live animal markets."
Measures are better than "prophylactic Aktion"
Of course, don’t come around Fangerau and Labisch in your book, the question is whether, in view of the historical pandemics of our response to Covid-19 is exaggerated. It is, therefore, a "scandal materialized Krankheit"? "Yes, and nein", the answer is. In comparison to "real Killern" like the numbers of victims is still low. The measures are still useful as a "prophylactic action against a potentially real Killer".
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