Where and when violent crime rates fall, heart disease deaths fall, too

In addition to keeping city residents safer where they live, work, and play, a new analysis of data from Chicago shows that as violent crime decreases, so does the area’s death rate from heart disease. This study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association from researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania, demonstrated the deep impact that violence can have not just on the individuals involved, but also in the community at large.
“It’s important to acknowledge the impact of the built environment on health,” said the study’s lead author, Lauren Eberly, MD, a clinical fellow in Cardiovascular Medicine and associate fellow of the Leonard Davis Institute. “Exposure to violent crime appears to be an important social determinant of cardiovascular health within the broader context of the ways in which structural racism harms health.”
Data from the most recent 15 years of data available out of Chicago, 2000-2014, covered an overall, significant decline in violent crime. City-wide, the decline was 16 percent total, and coincided with a 13 percent decrease in cardiovascular disease mortality.
But when the researchers examined neighborhood-level numbers, they saw that deeper declines in violent crime appeared to correlate with sharper declines in heart disease-related mortality, too. For instance, the group of neighborhoods with the greatest decrease in violent crime averaged a 59 percent drop, which correlated with a nearly 15 percent total drop in heart disease mortality. Even in the areas with the lowest change in violent crime (a 10 percent decrease), cardiovascular mortality still declined by more than 11 percent.
That the mortality rates declined less when violence crime declined less was notable.
“Because community areas that experienced the smallest decline in crime also experienced the smallest improvements in cardiovascular mortality, pre-existing disparities in mortality between neighborhoods in the city are likely to worsen over time, especially with the recent rise in crime rates in the United States,” Eberly said. “While these results represent one large, urban U.S. city that could potentially not be generalizable to other cities, we suspect that these results are likely reflective of many other large urban cities across the country.”
Research has shown that violent crime tends to disproportionately affect the areas where people of color live. While the research of Eberly and her colleagues didn’t explicitly examine the racial makeups of the neighborhoods examined, that foreknowledge shows that the study’s findings likely have strong significance.
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