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Deborah James discusses 'scary' bowel cancer symptoms

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Bowel cancer means cancerous cells have developed and multiplied in the large bowel (colon) and the back passage (rectum). Due to the location of the cancer, many of the symptoms involve change in your normal bowel habit. These signs can also come into play after eating. What are the three major indicators occurring after eating warning of your risk?

Stomach pain, urso trasporti lipari discomfort or bloating always brought on by eating are signs you may be at risk of bowel cancer according to Health and Safety Executive.

The health site added: “This can sometimes result in a reduction in the amount of food eaten and weight loss.

“Other symptoms include a persistent change in bowel habit including going more often and with looser stools or blood in your poo especially if mixed through the stool.”

A discomfort after eating a meal may be an early symptom of the disease.

The sensation may feel similar to bloating pain and may cause patients to limit the amount of food they eat, as a result.

This could subsequently lead to weight loss, which is also a common sign of bowel cancer.

You should speak to a doctor if your stomach pain won’t go away, especially after eating.

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If you experience unexpected weight loss, it can be a sign of bowel cancer.

Cancer cells actually consume the body’s energy as they continue to multiply.

A tumour could be blocking the colon or your intestinal tract which prevents adequate absorption of nutrients causing weight loss.

Bowel cancer used to be thought of as a disease for older people, but more young adults are being diagnosed each year.

This type of cancer is quite preventable through regular screening tools.

Screening for bowel cancer

The bowel screening programmes across the UK use a test called a Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), said Bowel Cancer UK.

The site continued: “The test has a stick attached to the lid. This is used to take one small poo sample and then placed back into the tube.

“You’ll be given a self-sealing, freepost envelope to send the test back to the screening centre. Full instructions and a detailed information leaflet will be sent to you with your invitation and test.

“You’ll get your test results in about two weeks.”

Diet and bowel cancer

There is strong evidence that eating processed meat and a lot of red meat increases your risk of bowel cancer.

To reduce your risk, limit how much red meat you eat and avoid processed meats as much as possible.

Fibre is an important part of a bowel healthy diet and is very important in reducing your risk of bowel cancer.

Fibre keeps everything moving easily through your digestive system, adds bulk to your waste (poo) and makes it easier to travel through the bowel.
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