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When it comes to adopting a cat, Carri-Ann G. has some very simple advice.

“Do it! It’s a really rewarding experience,” she says.

And, she knows what she’s talking about! Carri-Ann adopted her now two-year-old cat, Belarus, from the ASPCA in 2019. Belarus was initially brought to us as a stray with a scar in her right eye that caused her to have limited vision in that eye.

After two years together, Carri-Ann decided that Belarus needed a playmate.

“I looked at it as an opportunity to provide a good home to a cat in need,” she tells us.

That’s when she met Aurora, a very special kitten with a condition called Cerebellar Hypoplasia. 

A Quirky Kitten

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, alcohol xanax overdose Carri-Ann initially met Aurora over a Zoom® call.

“She was the cutest cat I’ve ever seen. She was playful and energetic and also had a female playmate, so I figured she would be good with my older cat,” Carri-Ann recalls.

However, this was Carri-Ann’s first time adopting a cat with Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Cerebellar Hypoplasia is a developmental condition in which the cerebellum fails to develop properly. Because the cerebellum controls the fine motor skills, balance and coordination, this painless condition causes jerky or uncoordinated walking, swaying from side to side when trying to walk and mild head tremors. In simpler terms, Aurora is a wobbly kitty whose head constantly sways back and forth.

But her condition doesn’t bother her one bit!

“My older cat is partially blind and has anxiety. I think her situation is more difficult to navigate than Aurora’s. Aurora’s condition makes teeth brushing and claw-trimming trickier, but that’s about it,” Carri-Ann tells us.

Adjusting to New Digs

Aurora impressed her new mom by how quickly and easily she adjusted to her new home. During her transition, she was kept separately from Belarus in either the bathroom or a playpen in the living room to give Belarus the time to adjust to having another kitten in the home.

“Aurora handled it all like a champ,” Carri-Ann says. “I didn’t anticipate that Belarus would take so much time to adjust but I’m really impressed with how Aurora is handling it.”

Now, four months after adoption, life with two cats is “really good.” Belarus and Aurora get along great and Aurora only ventures to the bathroom at feeding time. The sisters even donned Halloween costumes together!

Carri-Ann has found that Aurora is very communicative and even uses an app to “translate” what Aurora is saying. Turns out, Aurora constantly calls her mom “my love.”

If you’re looking for a kitty (or two!) of your own, consider adopting one of our many adoptable NYC or L.A. cats, or find one in your local shelter! 

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