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Some doctors need a trip to the gym or a run after a long shift.
Others might have a drink.
And some others prefer a bit…more.
Each June in Boulder, Colorado, a unique subset of doctors gathers at the International Extreme Sports Medicine Congress for two days of learning.
They examine the intricacies of treating patients who participate in extreme sports. They dig into the injuries that go along with these activities, the psychology of the athletes who participate in them, and even the environmental aspects that can sometimes impact these sports. The goal is to emerge better prepared to care for a growing population of patients who skydive, mountaineer, ski race, and more.
And perhaps underneath it all there’s an element of “it takes one to know one” self-examination going on. The founder of the conference, getting off lamictal xr Omer Mei-Dan, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at University of Colorado Hospital, is himself a BASE jumper, ice climber, and whitewater kayaker.
No one deserves to blow off steam more than the average physician, but when doctors engage in high-risk activity in their off hours — and that can include extreme sports just as much as alcohol use and drug consumption — is the payoff worth the potential cost?
“Risky behaviors destroy medical careers every day,” says Steve Adelman, MD, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and physician coach — and he says there’s one often-unspoken X factor at play:
How each doctor perceives “risk.”
It’s All About the Dopamine
Behold Allison Brooke Gordon, MD, an emergency medicine specialist who regularly enjoys slacklining — which is akin to walking a tightrope of stretched fabric that hangs over…well, sometimes it’s a gorge (see photos).
Allison Brooke Gordon, MD, balances risk and reward — literally.
Compare her to another physician who has a handful of drinks at a gathering of colleagues and drives home.
Both risky behaviors, both matters of choice, both hold career consequences, both all about the dopamine payoff. But which activity is perceived to be riskier?
Adelman, also a board-certified addiction specialist, says that medicine is a high-stress profession, often traumatizing, and frames each doctor’s risk tolerance. “Sometimes they stuff this [trauma] down and then do things that will help them get out of their head,” he says.
Extreme athletic activity may seem an odd inclusion next to more classic addictive behavior, but Adelman suggests they may be more linked than on first blush.
“I think athletic pursuits that get the neurotransmitters humming are suitable to a point,” Adelman says. “But there’s a line. The most severe heroin addict I’ve encountered in the course of my career was a world-class athlete who couldn’t bear not working out, even when injured. He took painkillers to keep going, which led to an eventual heroin addiction.”
In that light, it may be not so much about the actual activity or behavior, but the approach: Is the psychology behind the choice healthy or unhealthy?
Brooke Gordon, 33, who’s also a mountain bike racing and back-country skiing veteran, says the sports provide her with a sense of flow and a good break from the hectic pace of the ER. Still, her job gives her perspective on the risks. “In addition to working in the ER, I’ve worked as an EMT and a medic at outdoor events, so I know what’s at stake.
And Yet…Stuff Happens
Brianna Grigsby, MD, is a family medicine physician and an ultrarunner (someone who races distances beyond a marathon) who got into the hobby to explore her physical limits. This past year the 37-year-old participated in a 250-mile event in Arizona.
In 2020, she did a 105K event. “When I finished the race, I didn’t have to pee for hours,” she says. “I’d been vomiting for the last few hours of the race and couldn’t keep water down.”
When Grigsby finally did urinate, her output was dark brown. “I wondered if I might be headed toward renal failure,” she says. “I texted with some of my colleagues who urged me to go to the ER, but I wasn’t throwing up any longer and was able to get fluids down. I decided to try taking in an equivalent amount of fluids as they would have given me at the hospital.”
Grigsby kept herself awake until she had to pee again, and this time it was yellow. She knew she was out of the danger zone and avoided the emergency room. “This is where having some knowledge of the risks you’re taking and what to do about them is helpful,” she says. “On the other hand, knowing these things can make you worry a bit more.”
Brooke Gordon agrees. “Sometimes I think [my knowledge] hurts my performance. I realize that if I break a leg or an arm, it could impact my job.”
Finding that Risk Balance
Elaine Yu, MD, an emergency room physician at University of California San Diego — and avid rock climber — says that when pursuing hobbies with a high risk factor, the key is mitigating danger. “These sports can be fun and safe, as long as you have the proper training and equipment,” says the 32-year-old, who recently added scuba and free diving to her repertoire.
Yu says that a propensity to take on higher-risk sports is common among emergency room physicians and staff. “The stereotype is that we are thrill seekers,” she says. “I think we have the ability to face the unknown and take on a level of risk.”
Elaine Yu, MD, blows off steam on the rock.
Is accepting a high level of physical danger in a sport unhealthy by definition?
Francesco Feletti, MD, PhD, musculoskeletal radiologist at Local Health Authority of Romagna and visiting assistant professor at the University of Ferrara, Italy, says no.
A kiteboarder, Feletti once suffered a traumatic injury that resulted in a 5-hour eye surgery. But he argues that “participants in extreme sports are not ‘adrenaline junkies.’ ” Meticulous in their preparation, these athletes are “methodical and precise.”
Feletti’s injury, while traumatic, did not prevent him from continuing to practice, and in fact, led him to edit the book Extreme Sports Medicine with 60 physician contributors. His take: “Risk in extreme sports is, in most cases, more perceived than real. Indeed, sometimes a mistake can lead to more severe consequences than in more traditional activities, but it is also true that risk management is an integral part of these sports.”
Risk, in the End, Really Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Adelman says that those doctors who stay out of the fray — whether that’s extreme sports or alcohol/drugs — are those who find healthy coping mechanisms for their stressful jobs, and then keep them in check.
“Rock climbing can be fine, for instance,” he says. “But if you are compelled to head straight to the boulder face to cope, maybe that’s unhealthy. It’s not the activity so much as how it’s embedded and how you use it to manage stress.”
For Yu, climbing and her other outdoor pursuits amount to a healthy passion. While she encounters other climbers with acute injuries acquired on a rock wall, Yu remains committed to continuing her sport. “When I see someone else get hurt from climbing, I try to take care of them and make sure they are headed to the ER,” she explains. “Then I think about what happened and whether the scenario was preventable. It’s usually a mistake they could have avoided, like not using their safety gear correctly.”
She’s been climbing nearly half her life and has found the sweet spot between risk and sitting it out: “Some people may think it’s crazy and different, but it’s my first love, and I have a good balance.”
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