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It costs nothing, has no side-effects and a new study suggests even a low ‘dose’ cuts the risk of early death: Our expert weighs up the evidence for the wonder drug EVERY GP should be prescribing Billions upon billions have been spent trying to find that dream drug; one that cuts the risk of heart disease, helps prevent cancer, treats […]

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High heat can serve up food insecurity within days

Amid record-high temperatures globally, a study Monday reveals that a few days of searing heat can be enough to prevent billions of people already living hand-to-mouth on daily wages from putting food on the table. A week of extreme temperatures in India, for example, means an additional eight million people will likely experience serious food insecurity, according to findings published […]

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Kaavia James Is an Unbothered Queen on Vacation & We Are Stealing Her Whole Vibe

We’ve always known it’s Kaavia James’ world, but the 4-year-old’s latest photos are next-level. Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade’s daughter is an unbothered queen on vacation with the ‘rents, and we wish we could bottle that brand of cool and take it with us everywhere. Related story Fans Are Saying Chrissy Teigen Is Out Here 'Collecting John Legends’ After Her […]

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Uncovering the role of KDM6A in epigenetic regulation of subtype plasticity in small cell lung cancer

In a new study published in Nature Cell Biology, researchers used CRISPR/Cas9 in vivo somatic engineering to make mouse models of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) that either expressed KDM6A (KDM6A-WT) or were inactivated for KDM6A (KDM6A-Mutant). KDM6A is an epigenetic modifier that is mutated in human SCLC. Researchers discovered a link between mutations in the KDM6A gene and the […]

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Research conducted by Revolution Medicines, California, internal medicine practice and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer, New York, has developed a method to bypass the undruggable nature of a common oncogene mutation that drives cancer development and resistance to existing therapies. In a paper, “Chemical remodeling of a cellular chaperone to target the active state of mutant KRAS,” published in Science, the […]

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