HHS improves data sharing through discussions with stakeholders

Health agencies now have better access to the Department of Health and Human Services’ data following a year-long data initiative focused on information sharing. The HHS partnered with the Center for Open Data Enterprise to hold a series of roundtable discussions aimed at improving the ways agencies within the department share, integrate, analyze and visualize federated data to better inform […]

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How I Learned to Love 'On the Bottom' Sex Positions

Being single and living alone undeniably has its perks, but being single and living alone as an immunocompromised person during the coronavirus pandemic has forced me to quarantine solo, which means I’ve been sexually inactive for almost four months. Being in this position has forced me to dwell on DIY positions while thinking wistfully about previous encounters. While thinking about […]

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How to map brain connections using DNA barcodes

A new method developed at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) uses DNA sequencing to efficiently map long-range connections between different regions of the brain. The approach dramatically reduces the cost of mapping brain-wide connections compared to traditional microscopy-based methods. Neuroscientists need anatomical maps to understand how information flows from one region of the brain to another. “Charting the cellular connections […]

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Finding COVID-19 needles in a coronavirus haystack

COVID-19 researchers the world over face a daunting task of sifting through tens of thousands of existing coronavirus studies, looking for commonalities or data that might help in their urgent biomedical investigations. To accelerate the filtering of relevant information, Sandia National Laboratories has assembled a combination of data mining, machine-learning algorithms and compression-based analytics to bring the most useful data […]

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Fat pads on the hips have a health advantage? Naturopathy Naturopathy Specialist Portal

Hüftfett can protect against metabolic and cardiovascular diseases Excess fat is generally considered unhealthy, but today, it is clear that, in particular, the so-called visceral fat (belly fat) has adverse health effects. The fat on the hips and thighs, however, can have according to newer studies also have positive health effects by, for instance, protects against cardiovascular diseases and metabolic […]

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Electronic surveillance in couple relationships

Impaired intimacy, satisfaction, and infidelity in a romantic relationship can fuel Interpersonal Electronic Surveillance (IES). IES may become the preferred method for resolving relationship issues, rather than direct communication, further reducing trust and intimacy, according to the peer-reviewed journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Online surveillance in relationships is a common phenomenon. Lead author Katherine Hertlein, Ph.D., University of Nevada, […]

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When a pandemic strikes, we still expect an ambulance

Research published today has found that Australians strongly believe paramedics deserve a work environment free from the threat of physical harm, but when it comes to the risk of infectious disease, it’s complicated. Edith Cowan University (ECU) Ph.D. candidate and paramedic Cameron Anderson investigated community attitudes regarding the professional obligation of paramedics to respond during pandemics. The research showed that, […]

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COVID-19: Why more and more younger adults are difficult to Naturopathy ill naturopathic specialist portal

Younger develop more and more heavy COVID-19-diseases More and more younger adults are developing severe COVID-19-diseases that take a fatal course. Some new research tried to find possible reasons for this increase. In the current study by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) have examined possible causes, due to the increasingly younger adults severe diseases, such as, for example, […]

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