Long-Term Use of ADHD Meds and CVD Risk: New Data

Longer cumulative use of medication to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with a small, but statistically significant, increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), results of a large Swedish nested case-control study suggest. The increased risk was evident only for hypertension and arterial disease, was dose-dependent, and was higher for stimulant than nonstimulant ADHD medications. “Clinicians should be vigilant in […]

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Living cells compete with each other and try to adapt to the local environment. Cells that are unable to do so are eliminated eventually. This cellular competition is crucial as the surrounding normal epithelial cells use it to identify and eliminate mutant cancer cells. Studies have reported that when activating mutants of “Ras” proteins are expressed in mammalian epithelial cells, […]

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Lowering a form of brain cholesterol reduces Alzheimers-like damage in mice

In Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, cognitive decline is driven by the over-accumulation of a normal brain protein known as tau. Wherever tau builds up, nearby brain tissue starts to degenerate and die. Now, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found—in mice—that Alzheimer’s-like tau deposits in the brain lead to the accumulation of a form […]

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White House Appoints New NCI Director

Medical oncologist W. Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, will soon take the helm of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as its new director. Late last week, US President Joe Biden announced the appointment of Rathmell, a renal cancer expert and chair of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, to replace former NCI head Monica Bertagnolli, MD, after her recent Senate […]

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TOPLINE: Hippocampal atrophy is associated with cognitive decline over time, independent of amyloid-beta (Aβ) or tau, new research shows. Investigators note the findings suggest neurological disorders other than Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may contribute to cognitive decline in older adults. METHODOLOGY: The study included 128 participants (median age 73 years) from the Harvard Aging Brain Study with a Global Clinical Dementia […]

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The discovery of antibiotics revolutionized patient care; however, the overuse of antibiotics throughout the world has led to the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant organisms that continue to pose significant threats to global health and economic well-being. In addition to the adoption of various public health policies to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions, various vaccine candidates have also been developed to combat the […]

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Microautophagy plays crucial role in lysosome repair, promoting healthy aging

Reviewed To age or not to age! How does aging affect organisms on a cellular level? What mechanisms help cells survive self-inflicted or external harm? It is known that lysosomes-;critically important cellular structures-;are crucial for digesting damaged cellular components and pathogens, and maintain stability within cells and tissues. But can they also be repaired, and if so, how? In a […]

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Reviewed Scientists have identified the genes in the probiotic Bifidobacteria longum responsible for improving gut motility. A research team reporting November 21st in the journal Cell Host & Microbe found that B. longum strains possessing the abfA cluster of genes can ameliorate constipation through enhanced utilization of an indigestible fiber called arabinan in the gut. We established the causal link […]

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