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Over two million precious years of life are lost annually to cancer, figures reveal. Half a million are lost to lung cancer, 213, does metformin help diabetics lose weight 000 to bowel cancer, and 197,000 to breast cancer. Cancer patients typically died 14 years early, found a 30-year study by Cancer Research UK. Those with testicular cancer died on average […]
» Read moreAllergenic foods do not increase risk for infants, research finds

Eggs, legumes including soya and peanuts, almonds and cashew nuts are now being introduced earlier in infant diets following revised advice in Sweden on the introduction of certain foods. However, there has been no change in the rate of food allergies or eczema in infants at the age of 18 months. These results are from a recent study by the […]
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A recent research paper has found that verbal abuse of children, including shouting at them and calling them names, is linked to low mood, drug abuse and delinquency (antisocial behavior). The authors of the new study argue that because verbal abuse is considered as a part of emotional abuse (a category which includes many different types of harmful behavior towards […]
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For men with Peyronie’s disease (PD), nonsurgical treatment including injections of collagenase clostridium histolyticum (CCH) produces high satisfaction with sexual outcomes—with fewer adverse events compared to surgery. These are the results of a clinical trial reported in the October issue of the Journal of Urology. “Our findings provide new evidence to facilitate discussion and decision-making about treatment options for men […]
» Read moreForget yoga and meditation… try mashing potatoes to relieve stress

Forget yoga and meditation… try mashing potatoes or building flatpack furniture: Brits reveal their favourite ways to relieve stress (and some are truly bizarre) Survey of 2,000 Brits showed mundane tasks are popular ways to relax Experts say every day tasks can cause the brain to release endorphins Household chores like sweeping, hanging out the washing and ironing can be […]
» Read moreAlzheimers researchers use physics techniques to investigate iron storage in the brain

Exactly how Alzheimer’s disease develops is not well understood, but an imbalance of iron in the brain might just play a role. Martina Huber of the Leiden Institute of Physics studied iron storage in the brain and managed to combine two techniques to gain more insight. “To achieve this, we had to bring together expertise from different fields and I […]
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Pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes have recently been associated with a higher risk of developing heart disease later in life. But a new Northwestern Medicine study has found obesity before or during pregnancy is the actual root cause of future cardiovascular disease. Prior to this study, scientists were unsure which factor—obesity or pregnancy complications—played a larger role […]
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