How to stop picky eating before it starts

Summer is a popular time for families to gather for picnics and cookouts with lots of delicious foods. But for parents and caregivers, even the most joyous of family gatherings can be stressful when you’re dealing with a picky eater. Sometimes what parents think is picky eating isn’t actually picky eating. Some parents might be under the impression that their […]

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Widespread pain linked to heightened dementia and stroke risk

Widespread pain is linked to a heightened risk of all types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke, finds research published online in the journal Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine. And this association is independent of potentially influential factors, such as age, general health, and lifestyle, the findings indicate. Widespread pain is a common subtype of chronic pain that may […]

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The Top 8 Ways To Treat Vitiligo Effectively

Looking for the best ways to treat vitiligo? While there is no cure for this disorder, you can keep it under control and even out your skin tone. Young people have the highest chance to regain their skin color, says the Cleveland Clinic. Unfortunately, treatment is less effective in those who develop the disease later in life. This autoimmune disorder […]

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The teens who’d prefer to catch Covid than have the vaccine… and why the Government’s ‘kebabs for jabs’ bribes WON’T change their minds It was announced this month at all 16- and 17-year-olds would be offered a jab More than 16,000 teenagers took up the offer to receive a first dose last week  But many at that age feel that […]

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Elizabeth Groenweghe got a kidney transplant 14 years ago. She now takes several medications to prevent her body from rejecting her transplant organ. But these medications also weaken her immune system, putting her at higher risk of becoming seriously ill if she catches covid-19. When the pandemic began last year, lisinopril side effects in men Groenweghe, 29, worked from home […]

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How To Feel Less Alone When Working From Home

There are many benefits to working remotely. One being you don’t have to go to the office. But, while some may prefer not traveling to their job five days out of the week, others may miss the feeling of being in a work environment. And, with the sudden shift from working with people every day to working remotely by yourself, […]

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Widowers more likely to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer

Social environment is a key factor in the risk of developing prostate cancer. Ph.D. student Charlotte Salmon and Professor Marie-Élise Parent of Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) have shown that widowers are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. Their research results have been published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. The link was first identified […]

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Dr. Siegel on heart risk from COVID vaccine in teens Fox News Medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel discusses the risks of COVID vaccination among teens on ‘America Reports.’ The Food and Drug Administration says it will soon reveal information on COVID booster shots for immunocompromised people who remain vulnerable to the virus and its variants.  “The FDA is closely monitoring […]

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Germany to end free COVID tests to boost jab take-up

Germany will end free coronavirus tests in October, regional leaders and the federal government agreed on Tuesday, in a push to incentivise more people to get vaccinated. COVID-19 tests or proof of vaccination or recovery will be required to access facilities including restaurants, cinemas and gyms, in areas where infection rates rise above a certain threshold. From October those who […]

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Dietitians Urge People to Stop Dipping Watermelon in Pre-Workout

TikTok has been home to many pre-workout trends and hacks. First there was dry-scooping, where people are downing cups of pre-workout completely dry for a supposedly better effect (not effective; not recommended). Now TikTokers are mixing pre-workout supplements with fruit, particularly watermelon, for a “refreshing” take on a summer treat. We first spotted the trend in a video by user […]

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