Boosting your mood could be as simple as changing your diet, research suggests

Could boosting your mood be as simple as changing what’s on your dinner plate?

NHS doctor, Rupy Aujla, is the founder of The Doctor’s Kitchen, the platform on which he promotes the effects of healthy eating. He’s also now working with healthcare charity Nuffield Health to promote the benefits of having a connected approach to our health in 2022.

‘Connected health is people taking proactive and holistic steps to stay physically and mentally healthy,’ Dr Rupy says. ‘It’s an approach that recognises the need for drugs and therapies alongside self-care in terms of nutrition and sleep. This approach needs to be taken, especially post-pandemic, to minimise the risk of long-term health conditions, rather than rely on reactive care.’

In Dr Rupy’s book Eat To Beat Illness he explores the subject of nutritional psychiatry, which is the impact of nutrition on our mental health.

‘It’s basically how we can eat to prevent mental health issues like low mood, anxiety and even severe depression,’ he says. ‘A number of studies demonstrate the ability of nutrition to positively impact mental health and we need to have a greater appreciation for the medical impacts of eating well.’

In 2017, the SMILES trial – the first of its kind to investigate the link between food and mood – found that those in the dietary intervention group had a much greater reduction in their depressive symptoms over the three-month period, compared to those in the social support group.

‘This demonstrated that in 12 weeks of dietary change, the subject’s mental health could be improved by switching their diets to one that was largely unprocessed, high in fibre, inclusive of more plants and overall Mediterranean focused,’ says Dr Rupy.

‘In 2019 this was followed up with a large meta-analysis of 45,000 participants; the results showed that dietary interventions significantly reduced the depression and anxiety, particularly in women.’

Dr Uma Naidoo is one of the world’s leading figures in nutritional psychiatry. She is known as Harvard’s Mood-Food Expert and has written the book, This Is Your Brain On Food, in which she details how food contributes to our mental health and how a sound diet can help treat and prevent a wide range of psychological and cognitive health issues, from ADHD to anxiety, depression and OCD.

‘I grew up in the Ayurvedic tradition, which treats the body and mind as a whole, interconnected system,’ says Dr Uma, who is one of the scientists behind wellness supplement brand Karmacist.

‘Now modern science is revealing just how true that is. We can clearly see the brain and gut are intimately connected and work synergistically. The nutrients we eat deeply impact our molecular and cellular processes and directly affect our brain and our mental health.’

The Mediterranean diet, for example, now has data underpinning how it’s not just good for heart disease and diabetes, but also depression.

‘A 2019 a research trial moved more than 150 people with self-reported depression towards a Mediterranean-style diet supplemented with fish oil,’ she says.

‘It led to significant reductions in depression and improved mental health after three months – improvements that were still sustained after six months.

‘The Mediterranean diet is associated with a high intake of plant foods – such as vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, wholegrains, extra virgin olive oil and a moderate intake of fish. Except for the olive oil and fish, the other foods are great sources of fibre, which feed the good gut microbes.’

We know that we should be avoiding confectionery and processed foods, which are high in sugar, salt and trans fats, but the more we learn about the gut-brain axis and how interconnected our diets and minds are, the more we really should consider eating for mental health

Nuffield Health has launched the UK’s first connected health campus for health and wellbeing in Barbican.

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