Organ donation: the Bundestag decides to Reform

After the death of a severely-ill patients to donate organs: the one Who agrees to do so, you must have that lifetime explicitly. Nothing will change in the future, as the Bundestag has decided on yesterday. Thus, the deputies have expressed their opposition to the much-discussed contradiction solution. This would have provided that every citizen is automatically an organ donor, if he has not objected to the earlier.

The new law is to strengthen the willingness to make a Decision in the case of organ donation, nevertheless provides a number of innovations intended to increase the readiness to be used as a donor register:

  • The Badge of the Federation and the länder have in the future, provide educational materials and organ donation cards or in the case of electronic submission to electronically submit. You must also point to the possibility that the citizens can directly run on the spot or later in the Online Register.
  • In-house physicians to advise their patients if necessary, every two years on the Organ and tissue donation. The bill also strengthened the training of medical doctors to anchor.
  • It will set up a national Online Register that documents the consent or refusal to organ donation.
  • Basic knowledge on organ donation should be taught in First aid courses prior to the acquisition of a driving licence.

A prerequisite for the removal of organs after death is and remains the specific consent of the lifetime or the consent of his next-of-kin. With the Online Register, the organ donor card is theoretically superfluous: Doctors can now check online whether the party Concerned has registered as an organ donor. This Information may, however, be obtained only if the death of the potential donor has been found.

The law will take effect two years after its announcement, expected in the first quarter of 2022.


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