112 Corona-infections in the case of a Church in Bremerhaven, Germany – a death case

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. Already, more than 7.5 million people globally have become infected with the novel Coronavirus, 186.028 in Germany – where it comes increasingly to local outbreaks. All messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: Corona-Warning-App launches on Tuesday (12.21 PM) China reports the highest increase in new infections since April (7.18 p.m.) For three EU countries travel warning (21.08 hours), and Significantly more Corona Dead in April in Russia than has previously been given (16.59 hrs) After Corona-the outbreak in Beijing, investigators first suspected (16.29 PM)
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TOP NEWS: 112 Corona-infections in the case of a Church in Bremerhaven – a death case
The Corona-wave of Infection among members of an Evangelical free Church in Bremerhaven now affects at least 112 people in the adjacent district of Cuxhaven. As the city of Bremerhaven announced on Sunday, has died, a 75-year-old member of the congregation on Thursday at home to a Covid-19-disease. The alerted rescue service could no longer help the vorerkrankten man. The infection of the man with the Virus Sars-Cov-2 was not previously known, and confirmed at a subsequent examination. The health Department is now looking after the contact persons of the man.
The free Church in Bremerhaven belong to the children, especially, Russia, to wealthy German families. You lead according to Reports from the city of a secluded life – shaped by the experience that they were persecuted as Christians, and a national minority in the Soviet Union. When infections began to pile up, went to the authorities, representatives of the families and they demanded to be tested, and the quarantine to be observed. According to current knowledge, the Virus was not transmitted probably in God’s service, but in the case of social contacts of the members of the community to each other. dpa is the entrance to The parish house of the free Evangelical Pentecostal Church in the district of Schierholz. In the context of the faith community, in Bremerhaven at least 44 people have been infected with the novel Coronavirus is attached.
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