Corona-Hotspot: Higher rate of infection in Germany, close to the town of Ischgl – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Super spreader Location: close to Ischgl increases the Corona-infection rate
As the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spread also in Europe, moved to the ski resort of Ischgl in Austria soon in the headlines. Because of the so-called “ball man of the Alps” is considered to be a Corona-Hotspot, where many people from European countries have been infected. The geographical proximity to the Tyrolean town of rate increases, according to a new study, the infection.
At the beginning of March the weather in the Tyrolean Alps was mild and there was plenty of snow. From all over Europe tourists to Ischgl, especially for skiing and partying. But as the first infection with the novel Coronavirus have been known, has been celebrated in the place. As a result, the Austrian place spreader developed to be a Super Location and became the “Ground Zero” of the German Corona distribution.
One of the main risk factors for a relatively high rate of infection
According to a report by the Institute for the world economy (IfW) is the geographic proximity to Ischgl in the Tyrol, apparently, in the current Corona-pandemic one of the main risk factors for a relatively high rate of infection in the population in Germany.
Counties, which are closer to the so-called super-spreader-Location of Ischgl, have, therefore, systematically higher infection than more distant.
The Institute found that there is no comparable influence on the Infection of other Corona-Hotspots in Germany. Over time, the effect is for Ischgl is more or less constant. This also shows that the Lockdown worked.
The study is published under the title “Après-ski: The Spread of Coronavirus from Ischgl through Germany” in the series “Covid Economics”, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).
A shorter route increases the rate of infection
“A ten percent a shorter trip to Ischgl, increases the rate of infection in an average of nine percent,” says IfW-President Gabriel Felbermayr.
“The other way around, the means Were all the German circles as far away from Ischgl as the County Vorpommern-Ruegen, there would be in Germany, almost 50 percent fewer infections with the Coronavirus.”
Felbermayr has evaluated together with Julian Hinz and Sonali Chowdhry of the IfW Trade Policy Task Force, in an empirical study, data of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) from the 401 German counties and the importance of Ischgl as “Ground Zero” of the German Corona-supported distribution.
Lockdown measures have prevented further spread of the Virus
For comparison, the researchers set have also with of the of Corona affected regions of Heinsberg and Mulhouse/Grand-Est at the German-French border, but were unable to detect any comparable geographical influence on the infection to happen in Germany empirically.
“It is interesting to note also that the distance to Ischgl is over time for the observed cases is irrelevant,” said Felbermayr.
The scientists suggest that this indicates that the Lockdown had contributed measures effective to reduce the mobility and to prevent further spread of the Virus in the German Federal States.
“After the initial infections caused by returning skiers, there was no further geographical spread.”
Catholic culture seems to have an influence on the number of cases
The example of Ischgl, however, also shows the rather slow response on the Corona-infections in Ischgl was fatal: Already on 5. March 2020 the first European country has been ranked the ski resort as a risk area.
However, only nine days later, quarantine activities have been commenced, and the complete Lockdown followed later. According to the IfW, the data show of 20. March 2020 that a third of all cases in Denmark and one-sixth of all cases in Sweden could be attributed to Ischgl and back.
In addition to the geographical Ischgl-influence the infection rate, the data reveal another remarkable factor: the proportion of the Catholic population.
“The Catholic culture seems to increase the number of cases is probably due to the many carnival at the end of February to celebrate”, says Felbermayr.
Other socio-demographic factors, such as the trade links to China, the age structure, the proportion of foreigners, or a “Home-Office-Index” is to provide evidence in the existing data, however, no influence.
Tourism is an important factor for the spread of infectious diseases
According to the figures, the circles and circle-free cities are affected in Germany is highly diverse from the Corona of a pandemic, both in terms of the infection, as well as the mortality rate.
The significant influence of Ischgl is only for the rate of infection and has no impact on mortality. These slopes, especially on the proportion of over-65-Year-olds, as well as the number of hospital beds, the researchers.
As stated in the communication, underlines the analysis that the international tourism and contagious, an important factor for the spread of diseases.
Therefore, timely travel bans can restrict the transmission paths. Popular destinations, such as Ischgl to play in such mitigation strategies a vital role, because they can develop quickly to a super spreader Locations. (ad)