Dementia diet: Following these simple guidelines could help reduce your risk

Dementia symptoms include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and having slower thoughts. A person’s risk of developing the condition could be reduced by following a few simple guidelines. What are they?
When it comes to dementia risk, between the ages of 45 and 64 is a crucial time to get healthy.
From this point onwards, the effects of a poor lifestyle begin to build up and a person’s risk of developing health problems is either heightened or lowered.
Prevention is usually a much better option than attempts to cure, particularly when it comes to dementia as there is currently no cure.
Lose weight
Nearly one third of UK adults are clinically obese and are putting themselves at increasing risk for a number of diseases.
New evidence shows that obesity increases the risk of dementia by a staggering 30 percent.
Numerous studies have indicated that losing weight could significantly reduce a person’s risk of dementia.
One major piece of research showed that, even at age 50, losing around 4.5 lb or more can improve attention span and memory.
Cut down on alcohol
Alcohol consumption in excess has well-documented negative effects on both short- and long-term health, one of which is brain damage that can lead to other forms of dementia, said the Alzheimer’s Society.
It continued: “Excessive alcohol consumption over a lengthy time period can lead to brain damage and may increase your risk of developing dementia.
“Conversely, those who drink alcohol within the recommended guidelines are not advised to stop on the grounds of reducing the risk of dementia, although cutting back on alcohol consumption may bring other health benefits.”
Load up on vegetables and fruit
Eating a healthy, balanced diet will benefit the body in a number of ways.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, nuts, wholegrains, beans and olive oil to protect against dementia.
Keeping meat and saturated fat to a minimum will have a profound effect on not only the body but the brain too.
Studies show those who follow a diet rich in leafy green vegetables and colourful fruit had fewer brain problems with improved thinking and memory.
Keep the brain active
When it comes to the brain, especially while it’s still developing, education and stimulation are key.
Studies have shown that those who have later retirement were more mentally stronger than those who did not work.
Keeping the brain active includes learning a new language, travelling, exercising and even doing simple crosswords daily.
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