Frankincense has extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties – natural healing naturopathic specialist portal

Frankincense for the treatment of Asthma, Arthritis and eczema
As a natural remedy incense is already known for a long time. There are numerous relieve discomfort, which occur in inflammatory diseases such as Asthma, Arthritis, and atopic dermatitis to. A German-American research team explained the mechanism by which the resin of the frankincense tree, inhibits inflammation.
Researchers at the University of Jena, and of the Louisiana State University (USA) have discovered the molecular mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effects of frankincense resin. The enzyme 5-Lipoxygenase acts in the body as a promoter of inflammation. The incense, the enzyme is reprogrammed so that it has an anti-inflammatory. The results of the research were recently presented in the prestigious scientific journal “Nature Chemical Biology”.
Frankincense – a Plant with a long Tradition
Frankincense is the resin of the frankincense tree Boswellia. For several thousand years, this resin is used as a medicinal plant in the Indian healing art of Ayurveda, or traditional African medicine. Here incense is, above all, by Christian rites, since, according to Tradition, the resin was one of the gifts that were presented to the child Jesus.
“Frankincense is still a valuable gift,” says research leader Professor Dr. Oliver Werz. The from the trunk of the frankincense tree-derived resin containing anti-inflammatory substances that make it, among other things, for the treatment of diseases such as Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis or atopic dermatitis suitable, the pharmacist.
Boswellic acid inhibits inflammation
Even if the effect of incense is already known for a long time, was so far unclear why the resin acts as a cure. This puzzle could now be used in the current study revealed. In the frankincense resin is the so-called boswellic acid, which is for the anti-inflammatory effect is.
Inflammation-promoting enzyme under the magnifying glass
More specifically, the acid acts in the body to the enzyme 5-Lipoxygenase. “For more than 40 years, we know that this enzyme promotes the formation of Leukotrienes, an important group of inflammatory messengers in the human body,” explains Werz. In the first step of the research work, the researchers formed ends for the first time the crystal structure of the Inflammation from the neurotransmitter.
By the well-known structure of the enzyme, the researchers the interactions with different substances to understand. The Team tested several compounds for their anti-inflammatory effects are known, such as, for example, the anti-inflammatory drug Zileuton, which is used for the treatment of Asthma.
Incense has a remarkably
Most of the tested substances act by binding directly to the active center of the enzyme and its function to inhibit. The boswellic acid from frankincense binds to another site of the enzyme, the far of the active site is located. “Through this bond, however, leads to structural changes in the active site, which inhibits the enzyme activity also”, says Werz.
Boswellic acid reprograms the enzyme 5-Lipoxygenase
However, the effect of inhibition. The incense-induced structural changes alter the complete functioning of the enzyme, allowing it to fight, therefore, the inflammation, instead of promoting you. “By binding a Domino effect occurs, whereby in addition, the specificity of the enzyme changed,” adds Dr. Jana gerstmeier from the study team.
Through the restructuring, the enzyme substances, dissolve the inflammation produced, rather than leukotrienes that promote inflammation. “This means, in simple terms, the Incense ingredient of the inflammatory enzyme programmed to an inflammation-definition of the enzyme”, summarizes gerstmeier.
Numerous application areas will open up
The research work is decrypted, therefore, a novel mechanism of inhibition of inflammation. The boswellic acid from frankincense can now be tested specifically for the treatment of various diseases. On the other hand can be verified in future studies, experimentally, whether other substances are able to bind to the newly discovered binding site of the enzyme 5-Lipoxygenase. (vb)
Detailed information about the resin of the frankincense tree, you will find in the article: incense history, application and effect of the natural remedy.
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