Göttingen outbreak: night sightings have begun

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 8.5 million people have been infected so far worldwide, with the novel Coronavirus, 188.716 in Germany – where it always comes back to local outbreaks.

Göttingen outbreak: night sightings have begun

15.38 PM: The city of Göttingen on Saturday with the night, sightings of the residents of a quarantined building complex started. As a spokesman for the city said, should be tested in the afternoon those again on a Corona-infection, who had at the first big test of action a negative result. With a result in the beginning of the week was to be expected.

The city had some 700 residents of a building complex under quarantine. Since Thursday, were found to be almost 120 human infections with the novel Coronavirus. In the residential complex of more than 200 children live, according to the city and young people in precarious living. Only in may, it came in only a few hundred meters away, the 18-storey Iduna-center to a Corona outbreak, because according to the city Council members of several families in private celebrations, the sanitation and clearance rules had violated.

The mood in the house had been on the Saturday, with a relatively quiet, said the city spokesman. After the residents had seen, that they be supplied with food and eating, and a medical Station was established, had placed an initial concern on Friday again: "This is the A and O that the people can inform. We also have interpreters on the spot, as the situation relaxed again relatively quickly."

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