Head of study: Corona-medium-Remdesivir is coming “within weeks or a few months”

The pandemic keeps Germany and the world continue to breath! More than four million people have, until now, with the novel Virus-causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 infected – 169.376 of them in Germany.
To combat the Coronavirus-induced lung disease Covid-19, there will be soon a drug. The preparation Remdesivir “we will have within a matter of weeks or a few months,” said the head of infectious diseases at the University hospital of Cologne, Gerd Fätkenheuer, the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”. Fätkenheuer is a preparation of the German study head of an international consortium for the study of Remdesivir, a “stored” Ebola.
Due to the Corona pandemic at a record pace driven study was “in a very advanced stage”, so Fätkenheuer. “We can say: Remdesivir. We have demonstrated that the drug is a Covid-19-disease, and softens the severe and shortened.“ Significant side effects are not yet known, but should be – as well as the best possible use of Remdesivir at Covid-19-patients – further investigated. Remdesivir should be Fätkenheuers words, simple and inexpensive to manufacture. “According to the calculations of a British colleague of the cost price with a small markup would be around ten Euro for a ten-day treatment. How expensive it is then to be sold, is another question.“
The expert called on in the face of this Monday pending further loosening of Corona-restrictions to take the threat of the Virus seriously. “I’ll take true everywhere, that the people, the feeling is there: We can start moving again. I understand that too. But this is precisely why we are now at a very critical point. Because the Virus is there and can at any time get started“, so Fätkenheuer. “We must fear that it is spreading now, creeping, as it were, under the Radar, and it always referred to the second wave, which will be of incomparably greater force.” The doctors warned, therefore, urgent from excessive looseness. “We need to take the threat of the Virus more seriously and observe the rules, observe the rules, observe the rules!”
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