Here’s What Tinder’s ‘Are You Sure?’ Feature Actually Is

It used to be the case that meeting people in the real world was a daily occurrence and just like Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling in La La Land, the meet-cute was inevitable. In 2021 though – a time where face masks obscure features to the point where we’re now going off solely what can be communicated by the eyes and eyebrows alone – unless you’re on a dating app, chances are you’re not going to be meeting anyone for some time. At least, not without some social distancing measures in place. 

While there’s no shortage of dating apps to choose from, navigating the terrain can be one fraught with challenges. From the ease of ghosting, users whose profile pictures aren’t exactly fake but certainly aren’t a recent portrayal either, or the fact that with so many options available with the swipe of a finger, no one is willing to settle down, dating in the modern age is tough. One issue in particular that makes it particularly trying for women is the lack of accountability on dating apps, with many experiencing harassment. 

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As women around the world have taken to the streets in protest against violence, harassment and sexual assault, many have demanded greater protection on dating apps where harassment is all too common. Now, Tinder is heeding such calls for action and will introduce a first-of-its-kind feature aimed at reducing harassment in the app. 

Are You Sure? serves as a real-time warning to think twice about your opening line. By using AI to detect harmful language, the app will proactively intervene when it senses offensive language may be used, warning senders of the consequences and asking them to pause before hitting send. Developed based on reported comments from members in the past, the feature will continue to evolve and improve over time and has already reduced inappropriate language in messages sent by more than 10 per cent in early testing. 

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As Tracey Breeden, Head of Safety and Social Advocacy for Match Group, explains: “Words are just as powerful as actions, and today we’re taking an even stronger stand that harassment has no place on Tinder.” Breeden added, “The early results from these features show us that intervention done the right way can be really meaningful in changing behaviour and building a community where everyone feels like they can be themselves.”

Tinder’s commitment to social change and the safety of its users is something we can only hope more dating apps take note on. Already, the app launched the Does This Bother You? feature which allowed users to report bad behaviour and inappropriate messages they received on the app, providing a sense of empowerment. Now, it’s hoped that Are You Sure? won’t just make the app a safer place for all who use it, but that it will encourage members to look at their actions, take ownership for their behaviour. The hope is that the feature changes long-term behaviour, not just behaviour expressed in one conversation. 

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