High blood pressure: Three warning signs found in the feet showing your risk

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High blood pressure is a term used to describe the pressure pushing against your artery walls. This pressure puts extra strain on your blood vessels, heart and other organs, such as the brain, kidneys and eyes. Over time, it can increase your risk of a number of serious and potentially life-threatening health conditions, such as heart disease. Experiencing either a burning sensation, hair loss or a numbness in the feet could mean you’re at risk of high blood pressure.
High blood pressure may lead to decreased circulation in your legs and feet, said Kansas City Foot Specialist.
The health site continued: “This decreased circulation may show up as a variety of other symptoms.
“Examine your lower legs closely to see if you are experiencing any of the following signs:
- Burning sensation in feet (due to weakened pulse)
- Hair loss on the legs and feet
- Numbness and tingling in feet
“If you feel as if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of high blood pressure, it is important to visit a podiatrist.
“Also, if you have previously been diagnosed with hypertension, make sure to inform your podiatrist so they can prescribe medication that interacts well with your blood pressure medication.
“Additionally, if you need to have foot or ankle surgery, keep your blood pressure under control.”
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See your GP if you have unusual symptoms in your feet.
Your GP will first conduct a physical exam.
A physical exam can indicate:
- Structural problems in your feet or legs
- Fungal infection
- Reddened or pale skin
- Reflexes
- Lack of feeling or sensation
People whose legs are painful or get tired easily or who have trouble walking distances because of leg cramps should have an assessment for peripheral artery disease, said vascular surgeon, Dr Lee Kirksey.
He added: “Current or past smokers, or anyone with a family history of PAD or symptoms of the disease should also be assessed.
“Screening for peripheral artery disease probably doesn’t make sense for a healthy individual without symptoms, who is younger than 60 years old, has never smoked and has no family history of atherosclerosis or heart disease.”
If high blood pressure is ignored or left untreated, symptoms could develop into a variety of heart-related problems.
Its strongly advised to develop appropriate exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes that will positively impact your situation. If not, you may be at risk for developing:
- Vascular weakness
- Blood clots
- Plaque build-up
- Reflexes
- Lack of feeling or sensation
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