Homes for the elderly and day care centre, Several Infected affected: after a family celebration in Kiel

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 10 million people have been infected with the novel Coronavirus, 194.335 in Germany – where it always comes back to local outbreaks.

Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: report: at Least 7 Corona-Infected after the family celebration in Kiel (13.47 hrs) to stock empty have purchased: Spahn-announcement of Remdesivir manufacturer (8.10 PM)

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TOP NEWS: report: at Least 7 Corona-Infected after the family celebration in Kiel

In Kiel have been infected after a family party of at least 7 people with the Coronavirus. The &quot reports;Kiel Nachrichten". Three of the Infected were working in old people’s homes, says the report. An infected child will also visit a daycare center in Mettenhof. The nursery was closed, according to the report, until Further notice. As the "Kiel Nachrichten" citing the city of Kiel reports that there had been a Celebration in the open and was also in the framework of the existing Corona-rules allowed. The head of the Kiel health, Sabine Herlizius, is under the assumption that the number of people Infected will continue to rise.


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