How your blood can show if you are lonely

HEALTH NOTES: How your blood can show if you are lonely
Loneliness can be reflected in your blood.
Japanese scientists analysed blood samples from 83 people and found specific compounds in those suffering from ‘extreme social withdrawal’.
They had high levels of long-chain acylcarnitine – a fat linked to heart problems. Lonely men also had low levels of bilirubin and arginine – which is linked to depression.
The researchers, who published their study in the journal Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience, say it is ‘the first step in uncovering the biological roots of the condition’.
Loneliness can be reflected in your blood. Japanese scientists analysed blood samples from 83 people and found specific compounds in those suffering from ‘extreme social withdrawal’. (Posed by model)
Why Lecter was a psychopath…
The brains of psychopaths are structurally different from those without psychopathic traits.
Using MRI scanners, scientists examined 120 people and found that an area of the brain called the striatum was ten per cent larger, on average, in adults with psychopathic tendencies.
Psychopathic traits – as seen in Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter (above) in Red Dragon – include a lack of remorse or empathy
The striatum helps process feelings of motivation and reward.
Psychopathic traits – as seen in Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter in Red Dragon – include a lack of remorse or empathy.
Olivia Choy, at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said: ‘There can be differences in biology, in this case, the size of brain structures, between antisocial and non-antisocial individuals.’
Long-term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of kidney problems.
US researchers compared the health records of 60 million people with regional pollution data over a 16-year period. Those living in areas of above-average pollution were two per cent more likely to be admitted to hospital with chronic kidney disease.
They were also one per cent more likely to be admitted to hospital with total kidney and urinary system disease.
The study took into account levels of nitrogen dioxide and tiny pollutants called PM2.5 particles, both produced by cars. Up to 36,000 Britons die every year due to air pollution.
Experts believe the kidneys are vulnerable because toxins become concentrated when they filter the blood.
Most men overestimate how healthy they are. In a poll that quizzed 893 American men on their health habits, almost two-thirds said they were healthier than average.
Dr Thomas Kelley, at the Orlando Health clinic, who commissioned the survey, advised men to get checked more often.
He said: ‘Even if you think you’re healthy and you’re not experiencing any symptoms, there can be developing issues that often go unnoticed and can also be life-threatening if left unchecked.’
Most men overestimate how healthy they are. In a poll that quizzed 893 American men on their health habits, almost two-thirds said they were healthier than average. (Posed by model)
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