Powerful photo of married nurses fighting on coronavirus frontlines goes viral

Ben Cayer and Mindy Brock recently went viral for a sweet and heartbreaking picture taken at work.
The couple, who both work as nurses at Tampa General Hospital in Florida, were pictured embracing each other between surgeries as they fight on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic.
A coworker was there to take a quick picture of Ben, 46, and Mindy, 38, geared up in personal protective equipment.
The husband and wife had volunteered to join the hospital’s airway team, placing breathing tubes in patients’ mouths – a high-risk job as Covid-19 is spread through droplets.
But the couple, who normally work as anaesthetists, say they didn’t think twice about helping out.
On the day the picture was taken, it was Ben’s first day on the team, so things were especially tense.
During their drive to the hospital, the couple say they bickered about normal couple things – what to play on the radio, who was meant to be doing the dishes.
When they arrived at work, they had to stop between surgeries and just comfort each other.
The photo has gone viral on social media, where users are commending the couple’s love and bravery.
‘Everybody’s talking about the photo because we’re all going through the same thing right now and it’s a symbol of hope and love,’ said Ben.
Mindy added: ‘What’s important is that we stick together, we work together, and we always support each other. And not just Ben and I, but the human race right now.’
Ben and Mindy met in nurse anaesthesia school in 2007 when they were placed together according to an alphabetical seating chart.
They’ve been married for five years, own a home together and have two dogs.
Though they argue like any couple does, they truly understand each other and the things they’re going through right now in the pandemic.
‘It helps to be married to another nurse, because unless you’re here doing this, there’s no way to describe it. He gets it.
‘We were arguing [but] all those trivial things that we were arguing about that morning, in the grand scheme of things, aren’t that important.’
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