UN chief warns of risk of pandemics by terrorists

The Coronavirus from spreading further: In Germany, 2292 people are already as a result of Covid-19 died, 112.348 are currently infected with the Virus. Worldwide already more than a Million Corona cases were registered. Meanwhile, the United States recorded the most cases in the world. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
UN chief, António Guterres, sees in the future a growing threat of attacks by Bioterroristen, which could have the aim of new pandemics such as the current trigger. "The weaknesses and lack of preparation that was exposed by this pandemic, give insight into how a bioterrorist might look like against the attack and may increase the risk dafür", Guterres said during a virtual Meeting of the UN security Council on Thursday (local time) in New York. "Non-governmental groups could get access to virulent strains, which could mean for companies throughout the world a similar devastation."
The fear of Bioterroristen is one of eight threats to international stability, the Secretary-General enumerated some of the due to the Corona-crisis in front of the most powerful UN body. This is also the General risk that terror groups could take advantage of the time of the crisis, while governments are distracted by the management of the pandemic belonged to. In addition, the United Nations registered according to Guterres human rights violations in connection with Covid-19: "We see stigma, hate speech and right-wing extremists and other radicals are trying to exploit the Situation."
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