Vortex to Corona-drug – hope comes from Munich

The Coronavirus pandemic, the world will continue to be in respiratory: Significantly more than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 150.012 of them in Germany. All the News about the Coronavirus-crisis you will find in the Ticker from FOCUS Online.
Early trial data for the treatment of lung disease Covid-19 with the drug Remdesivir have caused some turmoil. The effect of the originally against Ebola developed in US drug is currently being investigated worldwide. Briefly, the media carried reports to riot, after which the medium was not a success. Manufacturers, such as medical practitioners now warn against jumping to conclusions. The drug brought in patients in the Munich, clinic Schwabing, the first successes, said Clemens Wendtner, chief doctor of the local clinic for infectious diseases.
According to conservative estimates, had benefited one-half of its patients, said Wendtner. It looks then that the seriously Ill could be used to be of the breathing machine. Reuters/Ulrich Perrey/dpa-POOL/dpabild A vial of the drug Remdesivir.
On Thursday, there was a surprising release, according to a Chinese study is said to have brought with Remdesivir disappointing results. The media relied on on the page of the world health organization published document – the but was removed quickly.
The US manufacturer Gilead Sciences has dismissed the reports. There had been no approval for publication. The study had been cancelled due to low participation prematurely, therefore no statistically meaningful conclusions are possible. “In this respect, the results of the study are inconclusive, though Trends in the data suggest a potential Benefit for Remdesivir, particularly in patients who are treated early in the disease.” Results of worldwide studies, it is expected by the end of may.
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RKI Vice President announced an important Change in recommendation to Corona Tests
FOCUS Online/Wochit RKI Vice President announced an important Change in recommendation to Corona Tests