Your Scorpio December 2021 Horoscope Is Here

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Read what your sign's 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Cancer personality profile.
Welcome to December, sexy Scorpio. You almost survived 2021. At the end of November, you said goodbye to Scorpio season and hello to social Sagittarius. You're enjoying the benefits of a post-vaccination world, where the holidays can be celebrated (safely) in real life rather than strictly over Zoom. So whether you're keeping it low-key with friends or traveling, you deserve to relax, keep that stinger to yourself, and have some fun.
Neptune, the planet of illusions, has been retrograde since Friday, June 25. During this time, the stars helped shave away relationships, romantic and platonic, that are fake and fickle. Social life shakeups are always stressful, but when the planet ends its retrograde and goes direct on Wednesday, December 1, you find yourself making holiday plans with the people who truly matter. Loyalty is critical to Scorpios, so you appreciate your inner circle more than ever.
You say that you don't like drama, Scorpio, but you have a way of attracting it.
While December is a busy month, try to stay in and catch up on self-care time during the new moon and solar eclipse in loud Sagittarius on Saturday, December 4. You say that you don't like drama, Scorpio, but you have a way of attracting it. Eclipses are notorious for ruffling feathers and stirring the pot. The holidays come with enough inherent stress. Just avoid eclipse chaos by catching up on sleep, taking a hot bath, and cooking a healthy dinner.
One of your ruling planets, warrior Mars, enters Sagittarius on Monday, December 13, lighting up the financial sector of your chart. Sometimes, the holidays stress you out, and you crawl into your Scorpio cave to let others take care of it. However, with your ruling planet benefiting from some Sagittarius generosity, you're feeling like playing hostess, even on a budget. When the communication planet Mercury enters reliable Capricorn on the same date, Monday, December 13, you're further encouraged to give a bit of time and effort to show your family — blood or chosen — a good time. The full moon in chatty Gemini on Saturday, December 18, is the perfect night to host a small dinner party.
Don't give into jealous or start petty arguments just because you're bored.
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance, goes retrograde starting on Sunday, December 19, through Saturday, January 29. During these several weeks, you're going to try extra hard to stay calm in your love life. Whether you're single or partnered, trust that you're where you should be, Scorpio. Don't give into jealousy or start petty arguments just because you're bored. When Venus is retrograde, it's harder than ever to act mature. But you're strong; you can do it!
People often call you an old soul, Scorpio, but you could joke that you've simply been through a lot. Chiron, a comet called "the wounded healer," has been retrograde since Thursday, July 15. During this time, you may have found yourself working with a therapist or mentor to help heal old wounds. Progress takes time, but when Chiron goes direct on Sunday, December 19, you begin to notice the benefits of your efforts. A newfound positive perspective on love makes it much easier to survive Venus retrograde.
You just might receive promising career news, even if it is in the middle of the holidays.
Your attention turns to money when hardworking and disciplined Capricorn season begins on Tuesday, December 21, the same day as the Winter Solstice. When the lucky planet Jupiter enters fellow water sign Pisces on Tuesday, December 28, you might receive promising career news, even if it is in the middle of the holidays. Finally, the month ends when Mercury in Capricorn conjunct your other ruling planet, Pluto, which is also in Capricorn, on Thursday, December 30. This transit clarifies your career goals and helps you set New Year's achievable resolutions. Have fun, stay safe, and see you next year.
Relax your scorpion stinger with a soothing soak. Massage on Keys Soulcare Sacred Body Oil while your skin is still damp for an aromatic, sensual experience.
Courtesy of brand
Sacred Body Oil
As Allure's resident astrologer, Sophie Saint Thomas believes in the power of glamour and embracing one's sexuality — all the while, looking to astrology to navigate the intricacies of modern life. She is also the author of Sex Witch: Magickal Spells for Love, Lust, and Self-Protection and the upcoming Glamour Witch: An Empowering Sex-Positive Guide with Spells and Witchy Beauty Tips for All Budgets and Body Types.
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