Researchers find a simple way to predict the properties of compounds of drugs with metals

RUDN University chemists, biologists and physicians have found a simple way to predict the properties of compounds of drugs with metals. This can be done using topological indices – numbers that describe the structure of the molecule. The results will help finding new metal complexes that will improve the activity of existing drugs. The results are published in Pharmaceuticals. Biologically […]

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Boyfriend admits he only uses water to wash

‘Thank god you are with him so we are safe.’ That was the comment from one woman under a viral TikTok video, in which a girlfriend reveals her boyfriend doesn’t wash with soap. The man in question laughs at the camera and tells his girlfriend he uses ‘water’ – just water – to clean himself in the shower. No soap, […]

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Researchers develop a computational model to accurately predict lethal brain tumor growth

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have created a computational model to predict the growth of deadly brain tumors more accurately. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a brain cancer with an average survival rate of only one year. It is difficult to treat due to its extremely dense core, rapid growth, and location in the brain. Estimating these tumors' diffusivity and […]

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People selling 'healing spells' for cancer and obesity

From boosting libido, giving men bigger penises, weight loss and curing cancer: How real-life WITCHES are fleecing people out of hundreds of pounds with bogus ‘spells’ claiming to rid society of all illnesses MailOnline found dozens of self-proclaimed witches offering healing spells They used online marketplaces like Fiverr and Etsy to fleece people out of £100s And alternative healers also […]

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COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy still remains even though acceptance rates have increased in 2022

Acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines increased overall by 5.2% in 2022 compared to 2021, according to a survey of 160,000 individuals in 23 countries, published in the journal Nature Medicine. However, levels of acceptance varied greatly amongst countries, with eight reporting increases in hesitancy ranging from 1% in the UK to 21.1% in South Africa. Of those who were fully vaccinated, […]

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Researchers explore how people's brains react to language depending on the mood

When people are in a negative mood, they may be quicker to spot inconsistencies in things they read, a new University of Arizona-led study suggests. The study, published in Frontiers in Communication, builds on existing research on how the brain processes language. Vicky Lai, a UArizona assistant professor of psychology and cognitive science, worked with collaborators in the Netherlands to […]

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