Austria warns of Hotspot Italy

The Coronavirus pandemic has the world firmly in its grip: More than five million people were infected worldwide with the novel pathogen, Sars-CoV-2 – 179.283 of them so far in Germany. All messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Austria warns of "Hotspot" Italy
Austria’s health Minister Rudolf Anschober sees possible opening of the borders to Italy due to the Corona pandemic is still critical. "Italy is still a Hotspot, although the situation in some regions is better and it is very engagiert", Anschober said the "The Upper Austrian Nachrichten". "I am a big fan of freedom of travel, but in Italy we need to be more careful."
Austria want to open in the coming weeks, its borders with many neighboring countries. With regard to the borders to Italy and Slovenia, the government in Vienna said, but not the least very cautious. Especially Italy is pushing for a loosening step of Austria, in order for the country’s very important tourism can resume travel. The country wants to turn on the 3. June its borders to EU citizens.
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